
Computes the value of a Hermite quintic spline or the value of one of its derivatives. In particular, computes solutions to the Feynman-Kac PDE handled by function imsl_f_feynman_kac.


#include <imsl.h>

float *imsl_f_feynman_kac_evaluate (int nw, int m, float breakpoints[], float w[], floacoef[], , 0)

The type double function is imsl_d_feynman_kac_evaluate.

Required Arguments

int nw (Input)
Length of the array containing the evaluation points of the spline.

int m (Input)
Number of breakpoints for the Hermite quintic spline interpolation. It is required that m 2. When applied to imsl_f_feynman_kac, m is identical to argument nxgrid.

float breakpoints[] (Input)
Array of length m containing the breakpoints for the Hermite quintic spline interpolation. The breakpoints must be in strictly increasing order. When applied to imsl_f_feynman_kac, breakpoints[] is identical to array xgrid[].

float w[] (Input)
Vector of length nw containing the evaluation points for the spline. It is required that breakpoints[0] w[i] breakpoints[m-1] for i=0,,nw-1.

float coef[] (Input)
Vector of length 3*m containing the coefficients of the Hermite quintic spline.
When applied to imsl_f_feynman_kac, this vector is one of the rows of output arrays y or y_prime related to the spline coefficients at time points t=tgrid[j], j=1, ,ntgrid.

Return Value

A pointer to an array of length nw containing the values of the Hermite quintic spline or one of its derivatives at the evaluation points in array w[]. If no values can be computed, then NULL is returned.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsl.h>

float *imsl_f_feynman_kac_evaluate(int nw, int m, float breakpoints[], float w[], float coef[],

IMSL_DERIV, int deriv,

IMSL_RETURN_USER, float value[],


Optional Arguments

IMSL_DERIV, int deriv (Input)
Let d = deriv and let H(w) be the given Hermite quintic spline. Then, this option produces the d-th derivative of H(w) at w, Hd(w). It is required that deriv = 0,1,2 or 3.
Default: deriv = 0.

IMSL_RETURN_USER, float value[] (Output)
A user defined array of length nw to receive the d-th derivative of at the evaluation points in w[]. When using this option, the return value of the function is NULL.


The Hermite quintic spline interpolation is done over the composite interval , where
-breakpoints[i-1] = are given by .

The Hermite quintic spline function is constructed using three primary functions, defined by


For each


the spline is locally defined by




are the values of a given twice continuously differentiable function and its first two derivatives at the breakpoints.
The approximating function is twice continuously differentiable on , whereas the third derivative is in general only continuous within the interior of the intervals . From the local representation of it follows that


The spline coefficients are stored as successive triplets in array coef[]. For a given , function imsl_f_feynman_kac_evaluate uses the information in coef[] together with the values of and its derivatives at to compute using the local representation on the particular subinterval containing .


Consider function , a polynomial of degree 5, on the interval with breakpoints . Then, the end derivative values are




Since the Hermite quintic interpolates all polynomials up to degree 5 exactly, the spline interpolation on must agree with the exact function value up to rounding errors.


#include <imsl.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


/* Define function */

#define F(x) pow(x,5.0)


int main()


int i;

int nw = 7;

int m = 2;

float breakpoints[] = { -1.0, 1.0 };

float w[] = { -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0.0,

0.25, 0.5, 0.75 };

float coef[] = { -1.0, 5.0, -20.0,

1.0, 5.0, 20.0 };

float *result = NULL;


result = imsl_f_feynman_kac_evaluate(nw, m, breakpoints, w, coef, 0);


/* Print results */

printf(" x F(x) Interpolant Error\n\n");

for (i=0; i<=6; i++)

printf(" %6.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.7f\n", w[i], F(w[i]),

result[i], fabs(F(w[i])-result[i]));




x F(x) Interpolant Error


-0.750 -0.237 -0.237 0.0000000

-0.500 -0.031 -0.031 0.0000000

-0.250 -0.001 -0.001 0.0000000

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000000

0.250 0.001 0.001 0.0000000

0.500 0.031 0.031 0.0000000

0.750 0.237 0.237 0.0000000