
Computes the value of a tensor-product spline or the value of one of its partial derivatives.


#include <imsl.h>

float imsl_f_spline_2d_value (float x, float y, Imsl_f_spline *sp, , 0)

The type double function is imsl_d_spline_2d_value.

Required Arguments

float x (Input)

float y (Input)
The (x, y) coordinates of the evaluation point for the tensor-product spline.

Imsl_f_spline *sp (Input)
Pointer to the structure that represents the spline.

Return Value

The value of a tensor-product spline or one of its derivatives at the point (x, y).

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsl.h>

float imsl_f_spline_2d_value (float x, float y, Imsl_f_spline *sp,

IMSL_DERIV, int x_partial, int y_partial,

IMSL_GRID, int nx, float *xvec, int ny, float *yvec, float **value,

IMSL_GRID_USER, int nx, float *xvec, int ny, float *yvec, float value_user[],


Optional Arguments

IMSL_DERIV, int x_partial, int y_partial (Input)
Let p = x_partial and q = y_partial, and let s be the spline that is represented by the structure *sp, then this option produces the (p, q)-th derivative of s at (x, y), s(p,q) (x, y).
Default: x_partial = y_partial = 0

IMSL_GRID, int nx, float *xvec, int ny, float *yvec, float **value (Input/Output)
The argument xvec is the array of length nx containing the X coordinates at which the spline is to be evaluated. The argument yvec is the array of length ny containing the Y coordinates at which the spline is to be evaluated. The value of the spline on the nx by ny grid is returned in value.

IMSL_GRID_USER, int nx, float *xvec, int ny, float *yvec, float value_user[] (Input/Output)
The argument xvec is the array of length nx containing the X coordinates at which the spline is to be evaluated. The argument yvec is the array of length ny containing the Y coordinates at which the spline is to be evaluated. The value of the spline on the nx by ny grid is returned in the user-supplied space value_user.


The function imsl_f_spline_2d_value computes the value of a tensor-product spline or one of its derivatives. This function is based on the discussion in de Boor (1978, pp. 351353).



Example 1

In this example, a spline interpolant s to a function f is constructed. Using the procedure imsl_f_spline_2d_interp to compute the interpolant, imsl_f_spline_2d_value is employed to compute s(x, y). The values of this partial derivative and the error are computed on a 4 × 4 grid and then displayed.


#include <imsl.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


#define NDATA 11

#define OUTDATA 2

/* Define function */

#define F(x,y) (float)(x*x*x+y*y)


int main()


int i, j, num_xdata, num_ydata;

float fdata[NDATA][NDATA], xdata[NDATA], ydata[NDATA];

float x, y, z;

Imsl_f_spline *sp;

/* Set up grid */

for (i = 0; i < NDATA; i++) {

xdata[i] = ydata[i] = (float) i / ((float) (NDATA - 1));


for (i = 0; i < NDATA; i++) {

for (j = 0; j < NDATA; j++) {

fdata[i][j] = F(xdata[i], ydata[j]);



num_xdata = num_ydata = NDATA;

/* Compute tensor-product interpolant */

sp = imsl_f_spline_2d_interp(num_xdata, xdata, num_ydata,

ydata, fdata, 0);

/* Print results */

printf(" x y F(x, y) Value Error\n");

for (i = 0; i < OUTDATA; i++) {

x = (float) (1+i) / (float) (OUTDATA+1);

for (j = 0; j < OUTDATA; j++) {

y = (float) (1+j) / (float) (OUTDATA+1);

z = imsl_f_spline_2d_value(x, y, sp, 0);

printf(" %6.3f %6.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.4f\n",

x, y, F(x,y), z, fabs(F(x,y)-z));






x y F(x, y) Value Error

0.333 0.333 0.148 0.148 0.0000

0.333 0.667 0.481 0.481 0.0000

0.667 0.333 0.407 0.407 0.0000

0.667 0.667 0.741 0.741 0.0000

Example 2

In this example, a spline interpolant s to a function f is constructed. Using function imsl_f_spline_2d_interp to compute the interpolant, then imsl_f_spline_2d_value is employed to compute s(2,1) (x, y). The values of this partial derivative and the error are computed on a 4 × 4 grid and then displayed.


#include <imsl.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>


#define NDATA 11

#define OUTDATA 2

/* Define function */

#define F(x, y) (float)(x*x*x*y*y)

#define F21(x,y) (float)(6.*x*2.*y)


int main()


int i, j, num_xdata, num_ydata;

float fdata[NDATA][NDATA], xdata[NDATA], ydata[NDATA];

float x, y, z;

Imsl_f_spline *sp;

/* Set up grid */

for (i = 0; i < NDATA; i++) {

xdata[i] = ydata[i] = (float)i / ((float)(NDATA-1));


for (i = 0; i < NDATA; i++) {

for (j = 0; j < NDATA; j++) {

fdata[i][j] = F(xdata[i], ydata[j]);



num_xdata = num_ydata = NDATA;

/* Compute tensor-product interpolant */

sp = imsl_f_spline_2d_interp(num_xdata, xdata, num_ydata,

ydata, fdata, 0);

/* Print results */

printf(" x y F21(x, y) 21InterpDeriv Error\n");

for (i = 0; i < OUTDATA; i++) {

x = (float) (1+i) / (float) (OUTDATA+1);

for (j = 0; j < OUTDATA; j++) {

y = (float) (1+j) / (float) (OUTDATA+1);

z = imsl_f_spline_2d_value(x, y, sp,



printf(" %6.3f %6.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.4f\n",

x, y, F21(x, y), z, fabs(F21(x,y)-z));






x y F21(x, y) 21InterpDeriv Error

0.333 0.333 1.333 1.333 0.0000

0.333 0.667 2.667 2.667 0.0000

0.667 0.333 2.667 2.667 0.0000

0.667 0.667 5.333 5.333 0.0001

Warning Errors


The value of x does not lie within the knot sequence.


The value of y does not lie within the knot sequence.

Fatal Errors


Multiplicity of the knots cannot exceed the order of the spline.


The knots must be nondecreasing.