
Passing Data to User-Supplied Functions

In some cases it may be advantageous to pass problem-specific data to a user-supplied function through the IMSL C Stat Library interface.  This ability can be useful if a user-supplied function requires data that is local to the user's calling function, and the user wants to avoid using global data to allow the user-supplied function to access the data.  Functions in IMSL C Stat Library that accept user-supplied functions have an optional argument(s) that will accept an alternative user-supplied function, along with a pointer to the data,  that allows user-specified data to be passed to the function.  The example below demonstrates this feature using the IMSL C Stat Library function imsls_f_kolmogorov_one and optional argument IMSLS_FCN_W_DATA.


#include <imsls.h>

#include <stdio.h>

float cdf_w_data(float, void *data_ptr);

float cdf(float);

void main()


  float *statistics=NULL, *diffs = NULL, *x=NULL;

  int nobs = 100, nmiss;

  float usr_data[] = {0.5, .2886751};



  x = imsls_f_random_uniform(nobs, 0);


  statistics = imsls_f_kolmogorov_one(cdf, nobs, x,

                                 IMSLS_N_MISSING, &nmiss,

                                 IMSLS_DIFFERENCES, &diffs,

                                 IMSLS_FCN_W_DATA, cdf_w_data, usr_data,


  printf("D = %8.4f\n", diffs[0]);

  printf("D+ = %8.4f\n", diffs[1]);

  printf("D- = %8.4f\n", diffs[2]);

  printf("Z = %8.4f\n", statistics[0]);

  printf("Prob greater D one sided = %8.4f\n", statistics[1]);

  printf("Prob greater D two sided = %8.4f\n", statistics[2]);

  printf("N missing = %d\n", nmiss);



 * User function that accepts additional data in a (void*) pointer.

 * This (void*) pointer can be cast to any type and dereferenced to

 * get at any sort of data-type or structure that is needed.

 * For example, to get at the data in this example

 *  *((float*)data_ptr)   contains the value  0.5

 *  *((float*)data_ptr+1) contains the value  0.2886751.


float cdf_w_data(float x, void *data_ptr)


  float mean, std, z;

  mean = *((float*)data_ptr);

  std =  *((float*)data_ptr+1);


  z = (x-mean)/std;



/*  Dummy function to satisfy C prototypes. */

float cdf(float x)




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