Chapter 12: Random Number Generation


Generates a time series from a specific ARMA model.


#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_random_arma (int n_observations, int p, float ar[], int q, float ma[], ..., 0)

The type double function is imsls_d_random_arma.

Required Arguments

int n_observations   (Input)
Number of observations to be generated. Parameter
n_observations must be greater than or equal to one.

int p   (Input)
Number of autoregressive parameters. Paramater
p must be greater than or equal to zero.

float ar[]   (Input)
Array of length
p containing the autoregressive parameters.

int q   (Input)
Number of moving average parameters. Parameter
q must be greater than or equal to zero.

float ma[]   (Input)
Array of length
q containing the moving average parameters.

Return Value

An array of length n_observations containing the generated time series.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_random_arma (int n_observations, int p, float ar[],
q, float ma[],
IMSLS_ARMA_CONSTANT, float constant,
IMSLS_VAR_NOISE, float *a_variance,
IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE, float *a_input,
IMSLS_OUTPUT_NOISE, float **a_return,
IMSLS_OUTPUT_NOISE_USER, float a_return[],
IMSLS_INITIAL_W, float *w_initial,

Optional Arguments

IMSLS_ARMA_CONSTANT, float constant   (Input)
Overall constant. See “Description”.
Default: constant = 0

IMSLS_VAR_NOISE, float a_variance   (Input)
If IMSLS_VAR_NOISE is specified (and IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE is not specified) the noise at will be generated from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance a_variance.
Default: a_variance = 1.0

IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE, float *a_input   (Input)
If IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE is specified, the user will provide an array of length n_ob­servations + max (ma_lags[i]) containing the random noises. If this option is specified, then IMSLS_VAR_NOISE should not be specified (a warning message will be issued and the option IMSLS_VAR_NOISE will be ignored).

IMSLS_OUTPUT_NOISE, float **a_return   (Output)
An address of a pointer to an internally allocated array of length n_observations + max (ma_lags[i]) containing the random noises.

IMSLS_OUTPUT_NOISE_USER, float a_return[]   (Output)
Storage for array a_return is provided by user. See IMSLS_OUTPUT_NOISE.

IMSLS_NONZERO_ARLAGS, int ar_lags[]   (Input)
An array of length p containing the order of the nonzero autoregressive parameters.
Default: ar_lags = [1, 2, ..., p]

IMSLS_NONZERO_MALAGS, int ma_lags   (Input)
An array of length q containing the order of the nonzero moving average parameters.
Default: ma_lags = [1, 2, ..., q]

IMSLS_INITIAL_W, float w_initial[]   (Input)
Array of length max (ar_lags[i]) containing the initial values of the time series.
Default: all the elements in w_initial = constant/(1  ar [0]  ar [1]    ar [p  1])

If IMSLS_ACCEPT_REJECT_METHOD is specified, the random noises will be generated from a normal distribution using an acceptance/rejection method. If IMSLS_ACCEPT_REJECT_METHOD is not specified, the random noises will be gener­ated using an inverse normal CDF method. This argument will be ignored if IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE is specified.

IMSLS_RETURN_USER, float r[]   (Output)
User-supplied array of length n_random containing the generated time series.


Function imsls_f_random_arma simulates an ARMA(p, q) process, {Wt}, for
t = 1, 2, ..., n (with n = n_observations, p = p, and q = q). The model is

Let μ be the mean of the time series {Wt}. The overall constant θ0 (constant) is

Time series whose innovations have a nonnormal distribution may be simulated by providing the appropriate innovations in a_input and start values in w_initial.

The time series is generated according to the followng model:

X[i] = constant + ar[0] X[i ar_lags[0] ] + … +

ar[p 1] X[i ar_lags[p 1] ] +

A[i] ma[0] A[i ma_lags[0] ]

ma[q 1] A[i ma_lags[q 1] ]

where the constant is related to the mean of the series,

as follows:

and where

X[t] = W[t],       t = 0, 1, …, n_observations 1


W[t] = w_initial[t + p],                              t = p, p + 1, …, 2, 1

and A is either a_input (if IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE is specified) or a_return (otherwise).


Example 1

In this example, imsls_f_random_arma is used to generate a time series of length five, using an ARMA model with three autoregressive parameters and two moving average parameters. The start val­ues are 0.1000, 0.0500, and 0.0375.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <imsls.h>


void main()


    int   n_random = 5;

    int   np = 3;

    float phi[3] = {0.5, 0.25, 0.125};

    int   nq = 2;

    float theta[2] = {-0.5, -0.25};

    float *r;


    r = imsls_f_random_arma(n_random, np, phi, nq, theta, 0);

    imsls_f_write_matrix("ARMA random deviates:",

        1, n_random, r, IMSLS_NO_COL_LABELS, 0);



                   ARMA random deviates:

     0.863       0.809       1.904       0.110       2.266

Example 2

In this example, a time series of length 5 is generated using an ARMA model with 4 autoregressive parameters and 2 moving average parameters. The start values are 0.1, 0.05 and 0.0375.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <imsls.h>


void main()


    int   n_random = 5;

    int   np = 3;

    float phi[3] = {0.5, 0.25, 0.125};

    int   nq = 2;

    float theta[2] = {-0.5, -0.25};

    float wi[3] = {0.1, 0.05, 0.0375};

    float theta0 = 1.0;

    float avar   = 0.1;

    float *r;


    r = imsls_f_random_arma(n_random, np, phi, nq, theta,


        IMSLS_INITIAL_W, wi,

        IMSLS_ARMA_CONSTANT, theta0,

        IMSLS_VAR_NOISE, avar,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("ARMA random deviates:",

        1, n_random, r, IMSLS_NO_COL_LABELS, 0);



                   ARMA random deviates:

     1.403       2.220       2.286       2.888       2.832

Warning Errors

IMSLS_RNARM_NEG_VAR                            VAR(a) = “a_variance” = #, VAR(a) must be greater than 0. The absolute value of # is used for VAR(a).

IMSLS_RNARM_IO_NOISE                         Both IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE and IMSLS_OUTPUT_­NOISE are specified. IMSLS_INPUT_NOISE is used.

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