Chapter 11: Probability Distribution Functions and Inverses


Evaluates the inverse of the noncentral F cumulative distribution function (CDF).


#include <imsls.h>

float imsls_f_non_central_F_inverse_cdf (float p, float df_numerator,
float df_denominator,   float lambda)

The type double function is imsls_d_non_central_F_inverse_cdf.

Required Arguments

float p   (Input)
Probability for which the inverse of the noncentral F cumulative distribution function is to be evaluated.  p must be non-negative and less than one.

float df_numerator   (Input)
Numerator degrees of freedom of the noncentral F distribution.  df_numerator must be positive.

float df_denominator   (Input)
Denominator degrees of freedom of the noncentral F distribution.  df_denominator must be positive.

float lambda    (Input)
Noncentrality parameter.  lambda must be non-negative.

Return Value

The inverse of the noncentral F distribution function evaluated at p. The probability that a noncentral F random variable takes a value less than or equal to imsls_f_non_central_F_inverse_cdf is p.


If X is a noncentral chi-square random variable with noncentrality parameter λ and ν1 degrees of freedom, and Y is a chi-square random variable with ν2 degrees of freedom that is statistically independent of X, then

is a noncentral F-distributed random variable whose CDF is given by

where the probability density function PDF(x) is given by

n1 = df_numerator,  n2 = df_denominator,  l= lambda, p = pG(.) is the gamma function, and CDF(f) is the probability that F <  f.

Function imsls_f_non_central_F_inverse_cdf evaluates

Function imsls_f_non_central_F_inverse_cdf uses bisection and modified regula falsi search algorithms to invert the distribution function CDF(f), which is evaluated using function imsls_f_non_central_F_cdf.  For sufficiently small p, an accurate approximation of  can be used which requires no such inverse search algorithms.


This example traces out a portion of a noncentral F cumulative distribution function with parameters df_numerator = 100, df_denominator = 10, and lambda =10 and for each value of  prints , and .


#include <imsls.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


   int i;

   float f[] = {0., .4, .8, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0};

   float df_numerator = 100., df_denominator = 10., lambda =10.,

            cdfv, cdfiv;


   printf ("\n df_numerator:   %4.0f\n", df_numerator);

   printf (" df_denominator: %4.0f\n", df_denominator);

   printf (" lambda:         %4.0f\n\n", lambda);

   printf ("    f     p = cdf(f)   cdfinv(p)\n\n");


   for (i=0; i<8; i++) {

      cdfv = imsls_f_non_central_F_cdf

                (f[i], df_numerator, df_denominator, lambda);

      cdfiv = imsls_f_non_central_F_inverse_cdf

                (cdfv, df_numerator, df_denominator, lambda);

      printf (" %5.1f  %12.4e  %7.3f\n", f[i], cdfv, cdfiv);




 df_numerator:    100

 df_denominator:   10

 lambda:           10


    f     p = cdf(f)   cdfinv(p)


   0.0   0.0000e+000    0.000

   0.4   4.8879e-003    0.400

   0.8   2.0263e-001    0.800

   1.2   5.2114e-001    1.200

   1.6   7.3385e-001    1.600

   2.0   8.5041e-001    2.000

   2.8   9.4713e-001    2.800

   4.0   9.8536e-001    4.000

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