Chapter 15: Utilities > log_beta


Evaluates the logarithm of the real beta function ln β(xy).


#include <imsls.h>

float imsls_f_log_beta (float x, float y)

The type double procedure is imsls_d_log_beta.

Required Arguments

float x   (Input)
Point at which the logarithm of the beta function is to be evaluated. It must be positive.

float y   (Input)
Point at which the logarithm of the beta function is to be evaluated. It must be positive.

Return Value

The value of the logarithm of the beta function β(xy).


The beta function, β(xy), is defined to be

and imsls_f_log_beta returns ln β(xy).

The logarithm of the beta function requires that x > 0 and y > 0. It can overflow for very large arguments.


Evaluate the log of the beta function ln β(0.5, 0.2).

#include <imsls.h>


int main()


    float       x = 0.5;

    float       y = 0.2;

    float       ans;


    ans = imsls_f_log_beta(x, y);

    printf("log beta(%f,%f) = %f\n", x, y, ans);



log beta(0.500000,0.200000) = 1.835562

Warning Errors



The result is accurate to less than one precision because the expression x/(x + y) is too close to 1.

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