Function | Purpose Statement |
Evaluates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic. | |
Evaluates the next coupon date after the settlement date. | |
Evaluates the nominal annual interest rate. | |
Solves a nonlinear least-squares problem using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. | |
Computes the non-negative least squares (nnls) solution. | |
Given an m × n real matrix A ≥ 0 and an integer k ≤ min (m, n), compute a factorization A ≅ FG. | |
Evaluates the standard normal (Gaussian) distribution function. | |
Evaluates the inverse of the standard normal (Gaussian) distribution function. | |
Evaluates the number of periods for an investment based on periodic and constant payment and a constant interest rate. |