
Converts a decimal price to a fractional price.


#include <imsl.h>

float imsl_f_dollar_fraction (float decimal_dollar, int fraction)

The type double function is imsl_d_dollar_fraction.

Required Arguments

float decimal_dollar (Input)
Dollar price expressed as a decimal number.

int fraction (Input)
Denominator of the fractional dollar. fraction must be positive.

Return Value

The dollar price expressed as a fraction. The numerator is the decimal part of the return value. If no result can be computed, NaN is returned.


Function imsl_f_dollar_fraction converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fractional price. If no result can be computed, NaN is returned.

It can be found by solving the following


where idollar is the integer part of the decimal_dollar, and ifrac is the integer part of log(fraction).


In this example, imsl_f_dollar_fraction converts $1.25 to $1 1/4.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <imsl.h>


int main()


    int numerator, fraction = 4;

    float dollarfrc, decimal_dollar = 1.25;


    dollarfrc = imsl_f_dollar_fraction(decimal_dollar,


    numerator = dollarfrc*10.-((int)dollarfrc)*10;

    printf ("The decimal dollar $1.25 as a "

        "fractional dollar = $%i %i/%i.\n",

        (int)dollarfrc, numerator, fraction);





The decimal dollar $1.25 as a fractional dollar = $1 1/4.