Set Output Files
Sets output files output_file
Gets library version and license number output_file
Error Handling
Error message options output_file
Gets error code output_file
Gets error type output_file
Gets error message output_file
Initializes error handling system initialize_error_handler
Stops the current algorithm and returns to the
calling program set_user_fcn_return_flag
C Runtime Library
Frees memory free
Opens a file fopen
Closes a file fclose
Reads ASCII files ascii_read
Reads data files data_read
Frees data matrix free_data_matrix
Frees column info free_column_info
OpenMP options omp_options
Integer machine constants machine (integer)
Float machine constants machine (float)
Common data sets data_sets
Mathematical Support
Matrix-vector, matrix-matrix,
vector-vector products mat_mul_rect
Rearrange elements of vector permute_vector
Interchange rows and columns of matrices permute_matrix
Locate and optionally replace dependent variable missing
values with nearest neighbor estimates impute_missing
Evaluate the binomial coefficient binomial_coefficient
Evaluate the complete beta function beta
Evaluate the real incomplete beta function beta_incomplete
Evaluate the log of the real beta function log_beta
Evaluate the real gamma function gamma
Evaluate the incomplete gamma function gamma_incomplete
Evaluate the logarithm of the absolute value
of the gamma function log_gamma
Return the number of CPU seconds used ctime