
Retrieves a gradient boosting model previously filed using imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_write.


#include <imsls.h>

Imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model *imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_read (char *filename, …, 0)

The type double function is imsls_d_gradient_boosting_model_read.

Required Arguments

char *filename (Input)
The name of an ASCII file containing a gradient boosting model previously saved using imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_write. A full or relative path can be given. If the optional argument IMSLS_FILE is used, filename is ignored.

Return Value

A pointer to an Imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model data structure containing a gradient boosting model previously stored using imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_write. If no model can be read, NULL is returned.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsls.h>

Imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model *imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_read (char *filename,




Optional Arguments


Prints status of file opening, reading and closing.

Default: No printing.

IMSLS_FILE, FILE *file (Input)

A FILE pointer to a file opened for reading. This file is read but not closed. If this option is provided, filename is ignored. This argument allows users to read additional user-defined data and multiple classifiers from the same file. To ensure the file is opened and closed with the same C run-time library used by the product, open and close this file using imsls_fopen and imsls_fclose.


Function gradient_boosting_model_read reads a gradient boosting model from an ASCII file previously stored using imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_write and returns a gradient boosting model in the form of an Imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model data structure. If the optional argument IMSLS_FILE is provided, a model is read from the file and returned without closing the file. If this argument is not provided, imsls_f_gradient_boosting_model_read opens the file using the path and name provided in filename, reads the model then closes the file and returns the data structure.


See Example 2 of imsls_f_gradient_boosting_predict.

Fatal Errors


Unable to open # file for reading model.