
Retrieves the current table used in the shuffled generator.


#include <imsls.h>

void imsls_f_random_table_get (float **table, ..., 0)

The type double function is imsls_d_random_table_get.

Required Arguments

float **table (Output)
Address of a pointer to an array of length 128 containing the table used in the shuffled generators. Typically, float *table is declared and &table is used as an argument.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsls.h>

void imsls_f_random_table_get (float **table,

Optional Arguments

IMSLS_RETURN_USER, float r[] (Output)
User-supplied array of length 128 containing the table used in the shuffled generators.


Function imsls_f_random_table_get retrieves the current table used in the shuffled generator. A reason for doing this would be to restart a simulation, using function imsls_f_random_table_set to reset the table. To restart a simulation using a shuffled generator, both the seed and the table must be reset (see random_GFSR_table_get example). The tables for the shuffled generators are separate for single and double precision, so, if precisions are mixed in a program, it is necessary to manage each precision separately for the shuffled generators.


See function imsls_random_GFSR_table_get.