FNLSpecFunc : Error Function and Related Functions
Error Function and Related Functions
5.1 Error Functions
Evaluates the error function, erf x ERF
Evaluates the complementary error function, erfc x ERFC
Evaluates the scaled complementary error function, exp(x2) erfc(x) ERFCE
Evaluates a scaled function related to erfc, exp(-z2) erfc(-iz) CERFE
Evaluates the inverse error function, erf1 x ERFI
Evaluates the inverse complementary error function, erfc1 x ERFCI
Evaluates Dawson’s function DAWS
5.2 Fresnel Integrals
Evaluates the cosine Fresnel integral, C(x) FRESC
Evaluates the sine Fresnel integral, S(x) FRESS
Published date: 03/19/2020
Last modified date: 03/19/2020