FNLStat : Nonparametric Statistics
Nonparametric Statistics
6.1 One Sample or Matched Samples
6.1.1 Tests of Location
Sign test for percentiles SIGNT
Wilcoxon signed rank test SNRNK
6.1.2 Tests for Trend
Noether test for cyclical trend NCTRD
Cox and Stuart trends test in dispersion and location SDPLC
6.1.3 Ties
Tie statistics NTIES
6.2 Two Independent Samples
Wilcoxon rank sum test RNKSM
Includance test INCLD
6.3 More than Two Samples
6.3.1 One-way Tests of Location
Kruskal-Wallis test for identical medians KRSKL
Bhapkar V test for identical medians BHAKV
6.3.2 Two-way Tests of Location
Friedmans test for randomized complete block designs FRDMN
Cochran Q test for related observations QTEST
6.3.3 Tests for Trends
Trends test against ordered alternatives KTRND
Published date: 03/19/2020
Last modified date: 03/19/2020