FNLSpecFunc : Gamma Function and Related Functions
Gamma Function and Related Functions
Factorial Function
Evaluates the factorial, n! FAC
Evaluates the binomial coefficient. BINOM
Gamma Function
Evaluates the real or complex gamma function, Γ(x) GAMMA
Evaluates the reciprocal of the real or complex gamma function, 1/ Γ(x) GAMR
Evaluates the real or complex function, ln ǀγ(x)ǀ ALNGAM
Evaluates the log abs gamma function and its sign ALGAMS
Incomplete Gamma Function
Evaluates the incomplete gamma function, γ(a,x) GAMI
Evaluates the complementary incomplete gamma function, Γ(a,x) GAMIC
Evaluates Tricomi’s incomplete gamma function, γ*(a, x) GAMIT
Psi Function
Evaluates the real or complex psi function, ψ(x) PSI
Evaluates the real psi1 function, ψ1(x) PSI1
Pochhammer’s Function
Evaluates Pochhammer’s generalized symbol, (a)x POCH
Evaluates Pochhammer’s symbol starting from the first order POCH1
Beta Function
Evaluates the real or complex beta function, β(a,b) BETA
Evaluates the log of the real or complex beta function, ln β(a,b) ALBETA
Evaluates the incomplete beta function, Ix(a,b) BETAI