Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
General Methodology
Time Series Transformation
Box-Cox transformation
BCTRNonseasonal and seasonal difference
DIFFDetermines an optimal differencing for seasonal
adjustment of a time series
SEASONAL_FITSample Correlation Function
Autocorrelation function
ACFPartial autocorrelation function
PACFCross-correlation function
CCFMultichannel cross-correlation function
MCCFTime Domain Methodology
Nonseasonal Time Series Model Estimation
Method of moments estimation of AR parameters
ARMMEMethod of moments estimation of MA parameters
MAMMEPreliminary estimation of ARMA parameters
NSPELeast-squares estimation of ARMA models
NSLSEMaximum likelihood estimation of ARMA models
MAX_ARMAFit a univariate, non-seasonal ARIMA time series model
REG_ARIMAEstimation of GARCH (
q) models.
GARCHWiener forecast operator estimates
SPWFBox-Jenkins forecast
NSBJFTransfer Function Model
Estimation of impulse response and noise series
IRNSEPreliminary estimation of parameters
TFPEMultichannel Time Series
Least-squares estimation of parameters
MLSEEstimation of multichannel Wiener filter
MWFEAutomatic Model Selection Fitting
Automatic ARIMA modeling and forecasting in the presence
of possible outliers
AUTO_ARIMAEstimates structural breaks in non-stationary univariate
time series models
AUTO_PARMBayesian Time Series Estimation
Bayesian seasonal adjustment modeling
BAY_SEAController Design
Lack of fit test based on the correlation function
LOFCFFrequency Domain Methodology
Smoothing Functions
Dirichlet kernel function
DIRICFejér kernel function
FEJERSpectral Density Estimation
Periodogram using fast Fourier transform
PFFTUsing spectral window given data
SSWDUsing spectral window given periodogram
SSWPUsing weight sequence given data
SWEDUsing weight sequence given periodogram
SWEPCross-Spectral Density Estimation
Cross periodogram using fast Fourier transform
CPFFTUsing spectral window given data
CSSWDUsing spectral window given cross periodogram
CSSWPUsing weight sequence given data
CSWEDUsing weight sequence given cross periodogram