Computes the Cholesky factorization of a positive-definite, symmetric or self-adjoint matrix.

Function Return Value

Matrix containing the Cholesky factorization of A.  The factor is upper triangular, RTR = A.  (Output)

Required Argument

A — Matrix to be factored. This argument must be a rank-2 or rank-3 array that contains a positive-definite, symmetric or self-adjoint matrix.  It may be real, double, complex, double complex. (Input)
For rank-3 arrays each rank-2 array, (for fixed third subscript), is a positive-definite, symmetric or self-adjoint matrix. In this case, the output is a rank-3 array of Cholesky factors for the individual problems. 

Optional Arguments, Packaged Options

This function uses lin_sol_self (See Chapter 1, “Linear Systems”), using the appropriate options to obtain the Cholesky factorization.

The option and derived type names are given in the following tables:

Option Names for CHOL

Option Value






Name of Unallocated Option Array
to Use for Setting Options


Derived Type


Use when setting options for calls hereafter.



Use when setting options for next call only.


For a description on how to use these options, see Matrix Optional Data Changes.  See lin_sol_self located in Chapter 1, “Linear Systems”  for the specific options for this routine.

FORTRAN 90 Interface



Computes the Cholesky factorization of a positive-definite, symmetric or self-adjoint matrix, A. The factor is upper triangular, RTR = A.


Dense Matrix Example  (operator_ex06.f90)


      use linear_operators


      implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Example 2 for LIN_SOL_SELF using operators
! and functions.


      integer, parameter :: m=64, n=32

      real(kind(1e0)) :: one=1e0, zero=0e0, err

      real(kind(1e0)) A(n,n), b(n), C(m,n), d(m), cov(n,n), x(n)


! Generate a random rectangular matrix and right-hand side.

      C = rand(C); d=rand(d)


! Form the normal equations for the rectangular system.

      A = C .tx. C; b = C .tx. d

      COV = .i. CHOL(A); COV = COV .xt. COV


! Compute the least-squares solution.

       x = C .ix. d


! Compare with solution obtained using the inverse matrix.

      err = norm(x - (COV .x. b))/norm(cov)


! Scale the inverse to obtain the sample covariance matrix.

      COV = sum((d - (C .x. x))**2)/(m-n) * COV

! Check the results.

      if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

         write (*,*) 'Example 2 for LIN_SOL_SELF (operators) is correct.'

      end if



Parallel Example  (parallel_ex06.f90)


      use linear_operators

      use mpi_setup_int


      implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Parallel Example 6 for box data types, operators ! and functions.


      integer, parameter :: m=64, n=32, nr=4

      real(kind(1e0)) :: one=1e0, zero=0e0, err(nr)

      real(kind(1e0)), dimension(m,n,nr) :: C, d(m,1,nr)

      real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n,n,nr) :: A, cov

      real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n,1,nr) :: b, x


! Setup for MPI:



! Generate a random rectangular matrix and right-hand side.

      if(mp_rank == 0) then

         C = rand(C); d=rand(d)



! Form the normal equations for the rectangular system.

      A = C .tx. C; b = C .tx. d

      COV = .i. CHOL(A); COV = COV .xt. COV


! Compute the least-squares solution.

       x = C .ix. d


! Compare with solution obtained using the inverse matrix.

      err = norm(x - (COV .x. b))/norm(cov)


! Check the results.

      if (ALL(err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) .and. mp_rank == 0) &

         write (*,*) 'Parallel Example 6 is correct.'


! See to any eror messages and quit MPI




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