The MATH/LIBRARY is organized into chapters; each chapter contains routines with similar computational or analytical capabilities. To locate the right routine for a given problem, you may use either the table of contents located in each chapter introduction, or the alphabetical list of routines. The GAMS index uses GAMS classification (Boisvert, R.F., S.E. Howe, D.K. Kahaner, and J. L. Springmann 1990, Guide to Available Mathematical Software, National Institute of Standards and Technology NISTIR 90-4237). Use the GAMS index to locate which MATH/LIBRARY routines pertain to a particular topic or problem.
Often the quickest way to use the MATH/LIBRARY is to find an example similar to your problem and then to mimic the example. Each routine document has at least one example demonstrating its application. The example for a routine may be created simply for illustration, it may be from a textbook (with reference to the source), or it may be from the mathematical literature.
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