® Fortran Numerical Math Library

The IMSL MATH LIBRARY is a collection of Fortran routines and functions useful in mathematical analysis research and application development. Each routine is designed and documented for use in research activities as well as by technical specialists.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Information contained in this documentation is subject to change without notice. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of a Visual Numerics Software License Agreement, including, without limitation, the Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability. If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, you may not use this documentation and should promptly return the product for a full refund. This documentation may not be copied or distributed in any form without the express written consent of Visual Numerics.


C, C#, Java™, and Fortran
Application Development Tools


Visual Numerics, Inc.
Visual Numerics - Developers of IMSL and PV-WAVE
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