Orthogonalizes the columns of a matrix.

Function Return Value

Orthogonal matrix Q from the decomposition A=QR. If A is rank-3, Q is rank-3.  (Output)

Required Argument

A — Matrix A to be decomposed. Must be an array of rank-2 or rank-3 (box data) of type real, double, complex, or double complex. (Input)

Optional Arguments, Packaged Options

R — Upper-triangular or upper trapezoidal matrix R, from the QR decomposition. If this optional argument is present, the decomposition is complete. If A is rank-3, R is rank-3.  (Output)

The option and derived type names are given in the following tables:

Option Name for ORTH

Option Value




Name of Unallocated Option Array
to Use for Setting Options


Derived Type


Use when setting options for calls hereafter.



Use when setting options for next call only.


For a description on how to use these options, see Matrix Optional Data Changes.

FORTRAN 90 Interface

ORTH (A [,…])


Orthogonalizes the columns of a matrix. The decomposition A = QR is computed using a forward and backward sweep of the Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.




use linear_operators

      use lin_sol_tri_int

      use rand_int 

      use Numerical_Libraries


      implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Example 3 (using operators) for LIN_SOL_TRI.


      integer i, nopt

      integer, parameter :: n=128, k=n/4, ncoda=1, lda=2

      real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: s_one=1e0, s_zero=0e0

      real(kind(1e0)) A(lda,n), EVAL(k)

      type(s_options) :: iopt(2)

      real(kind(1e0)) d(n), b(n), d_t(2*n,k), c_t(2*n,k), perf_ratio, &

           b_t(2*n,k), y_t(2*n,k), eval_t(k), res(n,k)

      logical small


! This flag is used to get the k largest eigenvalues.

      small = .false.


! Generate the main diagonal and the co-diagonal of the 

! tridiagonal matrix.  

      b=rand(b); d=rand(d)

      A(1,1:)=b; A(2,1:)=d


! Use Numerical Libraries routine for the calculation of k 

! largest eigenvalues.


      EVAL_T = EVAL


! Use IMSL Fortran Numerical Librarytridiagonal solver for inverse iteration 

! calculation of eigenvectors.

      factorization_choice:  do nopt=0,1 


! Create k tridiagonal problems, one for each inverse 

! iteration system.

         b_t(1:n,1:k) = spread(b,DIM=2,NCOPIES=k)

         c_t(1:n,1:k) = EOSHIFT(b_t(1:n,1:k),SHIFT=1,DIM=1)

         d_t(1:n,1:k) = spread(d,DIM=2,NCOPIES=k) - &



! Start the right-hand side at random values, scaled downward 

! to account for the expected 'blowup' in the solution.



! Do two iterations for the eigenvectors.   

         do i=1, 2

            y_t(1:n,1:k) = y_t(1:n,1:k)*epsilon(s_one)

            call lin_sol_tri(c_t, d_t, b_t, y_t, &


            iopt(nopt+1) = s_lin_sol_tri_solve_only

         end do


! Orthogonalize the eigenvectors.  (This is the most 

! intensive part of the computing.)

         y_t(1:n,1:k) = ORTH(y_t(1:n,1:k))



! See if the performance ratio is smaller than the value one.

! If it is not the code will re-solve the systems using Gaussian

! Elimination.  This is an exceptional event.  It is a necessary

! complication for achieving reliable results.  


         res(1:n,1:k) = spread(d,DIM=2,NCOPIES=k)*y_t(1:n,1:k) + &

          spread(b,DIM=2,NCOPIES=k)* &

          EOSHIFT(y_t(1:n,1:k),SHIFT=-1,DIM=1) + &

          EOSHIFT(spread(b,DIM=2,NCOPIES=k)*y_t(1:n,1:k),SHIFT=1) &

            -   y_t(1:n,1:k)*spread(EVAL_T(1:k),DIM=1,NCOPIES=n)


! If the factorization method is Cyclic Reduction and perf_ratio is 

! larger than one, re-solve using Gaussian Elimination.  If the 

! method is already Gaussian Elimination, the loop exits

! and perf_ratio is checked at the end.   

         perf_ratio = norm(res(1:n,1:k),1) / &

                      norm(EVAL_T(1:k),1) / &

                         epsilon(s_one) / (5*n)

         if (perf_ratio <= s_one) exit factorization_choice

         iopt(nopt+1) = s_lin_sol_tri_use_Gauss_elim


      end do factorization_choice


      if (perf_ratio <= s_one) then

         write (*,*) 'Example 3 for LIN_SOL_TRI (operators) is correct.'

      end if



Parallel Example


 use linear_operators

 use mpi_setup_int


 integer, parameter :: N=32, nr=4

 real (kind(1.e0)) A(N,N,nr), Q(N,N,nr)

! Setup for MPI

  mp_nprocs = mp_setup()


 if (mp_rank == 0) then

   A = rand(A)

 end if


 Q = orth(A)


 mp_nprocs = mp_setup ('Final')



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