Finds the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients.
COEFF — Complex
vector of length NDEG + 1 containing
the coefficients of the polynomial in increasing order by degree.
The polynomial is
COEFF(NDEG + 1) * Z**NDEG + COEFF(NDEG) * Z**(NDEG - 1) + … + COEFF(1).
ROOT — Complex vector of length NDEG containing the zeros of the polynomial. (Output)
NDEG — Degree of the
polynomial. 1 ≤ NDEG <
50 (Input)
Default: NDEG = size (COEFF,1) – 1.
Generic: CALL ZPOCC (COEFF, ROOT [,…])
Specific: The specific interface names are S_ZPOCC and D_ZPOCC.
Double: The double precision name is DZPOCC.
Routine ZPOCC computes the n zeros of the polynomial
p(z) = anzn + an-1zn-1 + … + a1z + a0
where the coefficients ai for i = 0, 1, …, n are real and n is the degree of the polynomial.
The routine ZPOCC uses the Jenkins-Traub three-stage complex algorithm (Jenkins and Traub 1970, 1972). The zeros are computed one at a time in roughly increasing order of modulus. As each zero is found, the polynomial is deflated to one of lower degree.
3 1 The first several coefficients of the polynomial are equal to zero. Several of the last roots will be set to machine infinity to compensate for this problem.
3 2 Fewer than NDEG zeros were found. The ROOT vector will contain the value for machine infinity in the locations that do not contain zeros.
This example finds the zeros of the third-degree polynomial
p(z) = z3 - (3 + 6i)z2 - (8 - 12i)z + 10
where z is a complex variable.
DATA COEFF/(10.0,0.0), (-8.0,12.0), (-3.0,-6.0), (1.0,0.0)/
CALL WRCRN ('The zeros found are', ZERO, 1, NDEG, 1)
The zeros found
( 1.000, 1.000) ( 1.000, 2.000) ( 1.000, 3.000)
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