Chapter 6: Bessel Functions


Evaluates a sequence of exponentially scaled modified Bessel functions of the second kind of fractional order.

Required Arguments

XNU — Fractional order of the function.   (Input)
XNU must be less than 1.0 in absolute value.

X — Argument for which the sequence of Bessel functions is to be evaluated.   (Input)

NIN — Number of elements in the sequence.   (Input)

BKE — Vector of length NIN containing the values of the function through the series.   (Output)

FORTRAN 90 Interface

Generic:                              CALL BSKES (XNU, X, NIN, BKE)

Specific:                             The specific interface names are S_BSKES and D_BSKES.

FORTRAN 77 Interface

Single:                                CALL BSKES (XNU, X, NIN, BKE)

Double:                              The double precision name is DBSKES.


Function BSKES evaluates exKv+k1(x), for k = 1, …, n. For the definition of Kv(x), see BSKS.

Currently, ν is restricted to be less than 1 in absolute value. A total of |n| values is stored in the array BKE. For n positive, BKE(1) contains exKν (x), BKE(2) contains exKν + 1(x), …, and BKE(N) contains exKν + n 1(x). For n negative, BKE(1) contains exKν(x), BKE(2) contains
, …, and BKE(|n|) contains . This routine is particularly useful for calculating sequences for large x provided nx. (Overflow becomes a problem if n << x.) n must not be zero, and x must not be greater than zero. Moreover, |ν| must be less than 1.
Also, when |n| is large compared with x, |ν+ n| must not be so large that  overflows.

BSKES is based on the work of Cody (1983).


1.         If NIN is positive, BKE(1) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order XNU, BKE(2) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order XNU + 1, …, and BKE(NIN) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order XNU + NIN − 1.

2.         If NIN is negative, BKE(1) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order XNU, BKE(2) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order XNU − 1, …, and BKE(ABS(NIN)) contains EXP(X) times the value of the function of order
XNU + NIN + 1.


In this example, Kν12(2.0), ν= 1, …, 6 is computed and printed.






!                                 Declare variables

      INTEGER    NIN

      PARAMETER  (NIN=6)


      INTEGER    K, NOUT

      REAL       BKE(NIN), X, XNU

!                                 Compute

      XNU = 0.5

      X   = 2.0


!                                 Print the results

      CALL UMACH (2, NOUT)

      DO 10  K=1, NIN

         WRITE (NOUT,99999) X, XNU+K-1, X, BKE(K)


99999 FORMAT (' exp(', F6.3, ') * K sub ', F6.3, &

           ' (', F6.3, ') = ', F8.3)




 exp( 2.000) * K sub  0.500 ( 2.000) =    0.886

 exp( 2.000) * K sub  1.500 ( 2.000) =    1.329

 exp( 2.000) * K sub  2.500 ( 2.000) =    2.880

 exp( 2.000) * K sub  3.500 ( 2.000) =    8.530

 exp( 2.000) * K sub  4.500 ( 2.000) =   32.735

 exp( 2.000) * K sub  5.500 ( 2.000) =  155.837
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