
Computes the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem.

Function Return Value

Rank-1 or rank-2 real or complex array of eigenvalues. (Output)

Required Argument

A — Matrix for which the eigenexpansion is to be computed. This is a square rank-2 array or a rank-3 array with square first rank-2 sections of type single, double, complex, or double complex. (Input)

Optional Arguments, Packaged Options

B — Matrix B for the generalized problem, Ax = eBx. B must be the same type as A. (Input)

D — Array containing the real diagonal matrix factors of the generalized eigenvalues. (Output)

V — Array of real eigenvectors for both the ordinary and generalized problem. Used only for the generalized problem when matrix B is singular. (Output)

W — Array of complex eigenvectors for both the ordinary and generalized problem. Do not use optional argument V when W is present. (Output)

This function uses LIN_EIG_SELF, LIN_EIG_GEN, and LIN_GEIG_GEN to compute the decompositions. See Chapter 2, “Eigensystem Analysis”.

The option and derived type names are given in the following tables:

Option Names for EIG

Option Value










Name of Unallocated Option Array to Use for Setting Options


Derived Type


Use when setting options for calls hereafter.



Use when setting options for next call only.


For a description on how to use these options, see “Matrix Optional Data Changes”. See LIN_EIG_SELF, LIN_EIG_GEN, and LIN_GEIG_GEN located in Chapter 2, “Eigensystem Analysis” for the specific options for these routines.

FORTRAN 90 Interface

EIG (A [] )


Computes the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem.

For the ordinary eigenvalue problem Ax = ex, optional argument B is not used. With the generalized problem Ax = eBx, the optional argument B is used to input the matrix B. Optional output argument D is an array required only for the generalized problem and then only when the matrix B is singular.

The array of real eigenvectors is an optional output (V) for both the ordinary and the generalized problem. If any eigenvectors are complex, optional output W must be present. In that case V is not used.


Dense Matrix Example 1 (operator_ex26.f90)


use linear_operators


implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Example 2 (using operators) for LIN_EIG_SELF.


integer, parameter :: n=8

real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0

real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n,n) :: A, d(n), v_s


! Generate a random self-adjoint matrix.

A = rand(A); A = A + .t.A


! Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

D = EIG(A,V=v_s)


! Check the results for small residuals.

if (norm((A .x. v_s) - (v_s .x. diag(D)))/abs(d(1)) <= &

sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

write (*,*) 'Example 2 for LIN_EIG_SELF (operators) is correct.'

end if



Dense Matrix Example 2 (operator_ex33.f90)


use linear_operators


implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Example 1 (using operators) for LIN_GEIG_GEN.


integer, parameter :: n=32

real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1d0

real(kind(1d0)) A(n,n), B(n,n), bta(n), beta_t(n), err

complex(kind(1d0)) alpha(n), alpha_t(n), V(n,n)


! Generate random matrices for both A and B.

A = rand(A); B = rand(B)


! Compute the generalized eigenvalues.

alpha = EIG(A, B=B, D=bta)


! Compute the full decomposition once again, A*V = B*V*values,

! and check for any error messages.

alpha_t = EIG(A, B=B, D=beta_t, W = V)


! Use values from the first decomposition, vectors from the

! second decomposition, and check for small residuals.

err = norm((A .x. V .x. diag(bta)) - (B .x. V .x. diag(alpha)),1)/&

(norm(A,1)*norm(bta,1) + norm(B,1)*norm(alpha,1))

if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

write (*,*) 'Example 1 for LIN_GEIG_GEN (operators) is correct.'

end if



Parallel Example (parallel_ex04.f90)

Here an alternate node is used to compute the majority of a single application, and the user does not need to make any explicit calls to MPI functions. The time-consuming parts are the evaluation of the eigenvalue-eigenvector expansion, the solving step, and the residuals. To do this, the rank-2 arrays are changed to a box data type with a unit third dimension. This uses parallel computing. The node priority order is established by the initial function call, MP_SETUP(n). The root is restricted from working on the box data type by assigning MPI_ROOT_WORKS=.false.. This example anticipates that the most efficient node, other than the root, will perform the heavy computing. Two nodes are required to execute.


use linear_operators

use mpi_setup_int


implicit none


! This is the equivalent of Parallel Example 4 for matrix exponential.

! The box dimension has a single rack.

integer, parameter :: n=32, k=128, nr=1

integer i

real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0, t_max=one, delta_t=t_max/(k-1)

real(kind(1e0)) err(nr), sizes(nr), A(n,n,nr)

real(kind(1e0)) t(k), y(n,k,nr), y_prime(n,k,nr)

complex(kind(1e0)), dimension(n,nr) :: x(n,n,nr), z_0, &

Z_1(n,nr,nr), y_0, d


! Setup for MPI. Establish a node priority order.

! Restrict the root from significant computing.

! Illustrates using the 'best' performing node that

! is not the root for a single task.





! Generate a random coefficient matrix.

A = rand(A)


! Compute the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition

! of the system coefficient matrix on an alternate node.

D = EIG(A, W=X)


! Generate a random initial value for the ODE system.

y_0 = rand(y_0)


! Solve complex data system that transforms the initial

! values, X z_0=y_0.


z_1= X .ix. y_0 ; z_0(:,nr) = z_1(:,nr,nr)


! The grid of points where a solution is computed:

t = (/(i*delta_t,i=0,k-1)/)



! Compute y and y' at the values t(1:k).

! With the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition AX = XD, this

! is an evaluation of EXP(A t)y_0 = y(t).

y = X .x.exp(spread(d(:,nr),2,k)*spread(t,1,n))*spread(z_0(:,nr),2,k)


! This is y', derived by differentiating y(t).

y_prime = X .x. &

spread(d(:,nr),2,k)*exp(spread(d(:,nr),2,k)*spread(t,1,n))* &



! Check results. Is y' - Ay = 0?

err = norm(y_prime-(A .x. y))


if (ALL(err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))*sizes) .and. MP_RANK == 0) &

write (*,*) 'Parallel Example 4 is correct.'


! See to any error messages and quit MPI.


