Example: R Chart

During a manufacturing process 15 samples, each containing 3 to 5 items, were measured. An R chart was contructed from the 15 sample ranges. Since the sample sizes are unequal the upper control limit is a stair step line. This class can be used either as an applet or as an application.
import com.imsl.chart.*;
import com.imsl.chart.qc.*;

public class RChartEx1 extends javax.swing.JApplet {
    static private final double data[][] = {
        {44.73, 45.47, 45.39, 45.33, 45.24},
        {45.57, 46.87, 45.40},
        {46.39, 45.31, 46.74, 46.06, 45.51},
        {45.54, 46.27, 44.57, 45.36},
        {45.58, 45.59, 46.02, 45.45, 46.42},
        {45.91, 45.38, 44.98, 44.91, 45.17},
        {45.98, 45.29, 45.50, 45.77, 46.44},
        {46.30, 45.65, 45.21, 45.43},
        {45.77, 45.38, 45.65, 45.25, 45.89},
        {44.10, 45.53, 44.65},
        {45.95, 46.22, 45.92, 45.90},
        {44.87, 44.98, 45.91, 45.18, 45.64},
        {44.70, 45.89, 45.84, 45.07},
        {45.90, 45.80, 46.30, 46.34, 46.34},
        {44.90, 46.23, 45.16}
    public void init() {
        Chart chart = new Chart(this);
        JPanelChart panel = new JPanelChart(chart);
        getContentPane().add(panel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
    static private void setup(Chart chart) {
        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);
        new RChart(axis, data);        
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        JFrameChart frame = new JFrameChart();



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