Appendix E: Java 3D

Chart 3D

The JMSL Chart 3D package is built on top of Java 3D. For most purposes, using the Chart 3D package does not require knowledge of Java 3D.

A JMSL chart can be saved as an image file using the Java ImageIO class.

Using the Chart 3D with Swing

Swing components are lightweight, but the canvas used to render Java 3D is a heavyweight component. Generally, lightweight components cannot be drawn on top of heavyweight components

To allow Swing menu items to appear on top of the canvas, use


To allow Swing Tooltips, use


Video Card Drivers

Java 3D is implemented on top of OpenGL. In Windows, there is also an option to use Direct3D. Both of these APIs use the video card hardware to accelerate perfor­mance. The interface between OpenGL/Direct3D and the video card hardware is the video card driver.

Problems with the video card drivers can cause problems with Java 3D and there­fore with the Chart 3D package. If there is a problem, check with the hardware manufacturer for a driver update. It may also be possible to work around problems by setting certain system properties.

System Properties

Java system properties can be set on the command line using the syntax


They can also be set using methods in the System class.

There are many system properties which can be set to control Java 3D. The following table lists some of the most important settings:







ogl | d3d

Windows-only. Specifies which underlying rendering API should be used thus allowing both Direct3D and OpenGL native DLLs to be installed on a singe machine.
Default: ogl



An integer

The sample time in milliseconds for non-blocking input devices.
Default: 5



An integer

Controls how many threads may run in parallel regardless of how many cpu's the system has. Setting it to "1" will make the system act like a traditional OpenGL render loop.
Default: number of CPUs plus one.



true | false


Solaris only. Allows major performance boost when using dual screen environ­ments with the X11 Xinerama extension enabled. Detailed information in the release notes. Default: false.




true | false


OpenGL only. Enable use of display lists, an OpenGL performance enhancing feature. False to disable for debugging.
Default: true



true | false


If true, use glDrawPixel to flush the graphics2D to the screen. If false, use texture mapping to flush the graphics2D to the screen. glDrawPixel is not acceler­ated on some older Windows video cards. 
Default: true



true | false


Shared contexts are used in OpenGL for DisplayLists and Texture Objects to improve performance. However some drivers have bugs causing weird rendering artifacts. This can be used to disable their use to see if this is the problem. 
Default: true for Solaris and false for Windows



true | false


Prints out startup and running information. Useful for finding out information about the underlying hardware setup.
Default: false



true | false


Use of vertex buffers, a D3D performance enhancing feature equivalent to OpenGL display lists. Some drivers have implementation problems so it might be worth turning this off if there are crashes. 

Default: true



true | false


Windows only. Disable use of Direct3D by Java.
Default: true



true | false


Windows only. Disable use of DirectDraw and Direct3D by Java for off screen images, such as the Swing back buffer.
Default: true



true | false


Windows only. Completely disable use of DirectDraw and Direct3D by Java. This avoids any problems associated with use of these APIs and their respective drivers.
Default: false


For more details, see


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