
Background controls the drawing of the chart's background. It is created by Chart as its child. It can be retrieved from a Chart object using the Chart.getBackground() method.

The fill area attributes in the Background node determine how the background is drawn (see Fill Area Attributes).

The attribute FillType has the global default value of FILL_TYPE_SOLID. The attribute FillColor attribute is set to Color.white in this node.

Solid Color Background

To set the background to a solid color:

      set the attribute FillType to FILL_TYPE_SOLID, and

      set the attribute FillColor to the desired color.

For example the following code sets the background to pink. To view chart in color please see the online documentation.


(Download Code)


import com.imsl.chart.*;


public class SampleBackgroundSolid extends JFrameChart {


    public SampleBackgroundSolid() {

        Chart chart = getChart();



        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);

        double y[] = {4, 2, 3, 9};

        new Data(axis, y);



    public static void main(String argv[]) {

        new SampleBackgroundSolid().setVisible(true);




Gradient Color Background

To set the background to a color gradient:

      set the attribute FillType to FILL_TYPE_GRADIENT, and

      set the attribute Gradient to the desired color gradient specification.

For example the following code uses a yellow-to-red vertical gradient for the background setting. See Fill Area Attributes for more information on gradients.


(Download Code)


import com.imsl.chart.*;

import java.awt.Color;


public class SampleBackgroundGradient extends JFrameChart {


    public SampleBackgroundGradient() {

        Chart chart = getChart();


        chart.getBackground().setGradient(Color.yellow, Color.yellow,


        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);

        double y[] = {4, 2, 3, 9};

        new Data(axis, y);



    public static void main(String argv[]) {

        new SampleBackgroundGradient().setVisible(true);





Pattern Background

To set the background to a color pattern:

      set the attribute FillType to FILL_TYPE_PAINT, and

      set the attribute FillPaint to the desired pattern.

For example the following code sets the background to yellow/orange checkerboard pattern. See Fill Area Attributes for more information on patterns.


(Download Code)


import com.imsl.chart.*;

import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Paint;


public class SampleBackgroundPaint extends JFrameChart {


    public SampleBackgroundPaint() {

        Chart chart = getChart();


        Paint paint = FillPaint.checkerboard(24, Color.yellow,;


        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);

        double y[] = {4, 2, 3, 9};

        new Data(axis, y);



    public static void main(String argv[]) {

        new SampleBackgroundPaint().setVisible(true);




Visual Numerics - Developers of IMSL and PV-WAVE
PHONE: 713.784.3131