Line Plot

A line plot consists of points connected by lines. The lines can be formatted using the Line Attributes.

Simple Line Plot

This example shows a simple line plot. The Data node is created using an array of y-values. The
x-values default to 0, 1, …. The DataType attribute is set to DATA_TYPE_LINE to make this a line chart. The look of the line is controlled by the line attributes. Here the LineColor attribute is set to blue.


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import com.imsl.chart.*;

import java.awt.Color;


public class SampleSimpleLine extends JFrameChart {


    public SampleSimpleLine() {

        Chart chart = getChart();

        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);


        double y[] = {8, 3, 5, 2, 9};

        Data data1 = new Data(axis, y);





    public static void main(String argv[]) {

        new SampleSimpleLine().setVisible(true);




Mixed Line and Marker Plot

The DataType attribute can be set using “or” syntax to combine types. In this example, it is set to DATA_TYPE_LINE | DATA_TYPE_MARKER. This example also explicitly sets both the x-value and the y-value of the data points. Note that the x-values do not have to be uniformly spaced.


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import com.imsl.chart.*;


public class SampleLineMarker extends JFrameChart {


    public SampleLineMarker() {

        Chart chart = getChart();

        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);


        double x[] = {1, 3, 4, 5, 9};

        double y[] = {8, 3, 5, 2, 9};

        Data data = new Data(axis, x, y);

        data.setDataType(Data.DATA_TYPE_LINE | Data.DATA_TYPE_MARKER);






    public static void main(String argv[]) {

        new SampleLineMarker().setVisible(true);





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