Tube Plot

Lines are drawn as flat, non 3D elements. Tubes are drawn as 3D versions of lines.

Spiral Example

A spiral is defined by the equations parameterized by:

The tube is shaded using the spectral Colormap from the 2D charting package.

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import com.imsl.chart3d.*;

import java.awt.Color;


public class SampleSpiral extends JFrameChart3D implements ColorFunction {   


    public SampleSpiral() {

        Chart3D chart = getChart3D();

        AxisXYZ axis = new AxisXYZ(chart);




        int nSpiral = 400;

        double xSpiral[] = new double[nSpiral];

        double ySpiral[] = new double[nSpiral];

        double zSpiral[] = new double[nSpiral];

        for (int i = 0;  i < nSpiral;  i++) {

            double t = 8.0 * Math.PI * i / (double)(nSpiral-1);

            double r = 0.6 + (double)i / (double)(nSpiral-1);

            xSpiral[i] = r * Math.cos(t);

            ySpiral[i] = r * Math.sin(t);

            zSpiral[i] = (double)i / (double)(nSpiral-1);


        Data spiral = new Data(axis, xSpiral, ySpiral, zSpiral);







    public Color color(double x, double y, double z) {

        return com.imsl.chart.Colormap.SPECTRAL.color(z);



    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

        new SampleSpiral().setVisible(true);




If the function is defined by a set of points, the points in the xy-plane are triangu­lated. The resulting 3D triangles are plotted.

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