Example 2: Binary Classification Network

This example uses a database of a complete set of possible board configurations at the end of tic-tac-toe games, where "x" is assumed to have played first. The target concept is "win for x" (i.e., true when "x" has one of 8 possible ways to create a "three-in-a-row").

There are nine nominal input attributes for each square on the tic-tac-toe board and are encoded such that 0=player x has taken, 1=player o has taken, 2=blank.

Input attributes

  1. top-left-square: {x,o,b}
  2. top-middle-square: {x,o,b}
  3. top-right-square: {x,o,b}
  4. middle-left-square: {x,o,b}
  5. middle-middle-square: {x,o,b}
  6. middle-right-square: {x,o,b}
  7. bottom-left-square: {x,o,b}
  8. bottom-middle-square: {x,o,b}
  9. bottom-right-square: {x,o,b}

The predicted atribute is a win or loose at tic-tac-toe. For this example the first 626 observations are a win and the next 332 are loss.

The structure of the network consists of 27 input nodes and three layers, with five perceptrons in the first hidden layer, three perceptrons in the second hidden layer, and one perceptron in the output layer.

There are a total of 162 weights in this network. The activations functions are logistic for all layers. Since the target output is binary classification the logistic activation function must be used in the output layer. Training is conducted using the quasi-newton trainer using the binary entropy error function provided by the BinaryClassification class.

import com.imsl.datamining.neural.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import com.imsl.math.PrintMatrix;
import com.imsl.math.PrintMatrixFormat;
import com.imsl.stat.Random;

// Three Layer Feed-Forward Network with 4 inputs, all 
// continuous, and 2 classification categories.
//  new classification training_ex4.c
// Three Layer Feed-Forward Network with 4 inputs, all 
// continuous, and 2 classification categories.
//  This database encodes the complete set of possible board configurations
//   at the end of tic-tac-toe games, where "x" is assumed to have played
//   first.  The target concept is "win for x" (i.e., true when "x" has one
//   of 8 possible ways to create a "three-in-a-row"). 
//  Predicted attribute: win or loose at tic-tac-toe
//     First 626 obs are positive (win) and the next 332 are negative (loss)
//  Input Attributes (10 categorical Attributes)
//     Attribute Information: (0=player x has taken, 1=player o has taken, 2=blank)
//    1. top-left-square: {x,o,b}
//    2. top-middle-square: {x,o,b}
//    3. top-right-square: {x,o,b}
//    4. middle-left-square: {x,o,b}
//    5. middle-middle-square: {x,o,b}
//    6. middle-right-square: {x,o,b}
//    7. bottom-left-square: {x,o,b}
//    8. bottom-middle-square: {x,o,b}
//    9. bottom-right-square: {x,o,b}
//   10. Class: {positive,negative}


public class BinaryClassificationEx2 implements Serializable 

    private static int nObs          = 958; // number of training patterns
    private static int nInputs       =  27; // 9 nominal coded as 0=x, 1=O, 2=blank
    private static int nCategorical  =  27; // seven categorical attributes
    private static int nContinuous   =  0; // two continuous input attribute
    private static int nOutputs      =  1; // one continuous output (nClasses=2)
    private static int nLayers       =  3; // number of perceptron layers
    private static int nPerceptrons1 =  5; // perceptrons in 1st hidden layer
    private static int nPerceptrons2 =  3; // perceptrons in 2nd hidden layer
    private static boolean trace     = true; // Turns on/off training log
    private static Activation hiddenLayerActivation = Activation.LOGISTIC;
    private static Activation outputLayerActivation = Activation.LOGISTIC;

    private static int[][] data = {   

    private double categoricalAtt[][];
    private static double weights[] =  {
        -0.00000000000000063401,  0.00000000000000055700,  0.00000000000000012769,
        -0.52573653474162341000,  0.43427498705107342000,  0.09146154769055023200,
         0.00000000000000138130, -0.00000000000000118053, -0.00000000000000050631,
         0.52573653474162607000, -0.43427498705107603000, -0.09146154769055094000,
        -0.00000000000000057743,  0.00000000000000037314, -0.00000000000000023441,
         0.52573653474162907000, -0.43427498705107787000, -0.09146154769055155100, 
        -0.00000000000000405476,  0.00000000000000339568,  0.00000000000000053496, 
        -0.52573653474162763000,  0.43427498705107587000,  0.09146154769055155100,
        -0.00000000000000116499,  0.00000000000000111960,  0.00000000000000004464, 
         0.59181480684449950000, -0.48617039139374285000, -0.10564441545075645000, 
         0.33659693927260309000, -0.28023189914604213000, -0.05636504012656110000,
        -0.00000000000000339401,  0.00000000000000312093,  0.00000000000000057542,
         0.33659693927260292000, -0.28023189914604213000, -0.05636504012656087800,
         0.00000000000000099480, -0.00000000000000067295, -0.00000000000000003901,
        -0.33659693927260537000,  0.28023189914604435000,  0.05636504012656118300,
        -0.00000000000000284785,  0.00000000000000269180,  0.00000000000000026089,
        -0.33659693927260426000,  0.28023189914604330000,  0.05636504012656121800,
        -0.59181480684449039000,  0.48617039139373414000,  0.10564441545075609000,
         0.00000000000000098567, -0.00000000000000095474, -0.00000000000000021207,
        -0.33659693927260698000,  0.28023189914604579000,  0.05636504012656142600,
        -0.59181480684449372000,  0.48617039139373774000,  0.10564441545075645000,
         0.33659693927260514000, -0.28023189914604435000, -0.05636504012656100300,
        -0.00000000000000010012,  0.00000000000000001702,  0.00000000000000012437,
        -0.33659693927260204000,  0.28023189914604152000,  0.05636504012656010100,
         0.59181480684449428000, -0.48617039139373813000, -0.10564441545075638000,
         0.33659693927260081000, -0.28023189914603991000, -0.05636504012656074600,
         0.00000000000000216976, -0.00000000000000195478, -0.00000000000000023527,
         0.39961448116107012000, -0.35734834346184241000, -0.04226613769922773400,
        -0.33634249144114892000,  0.28239332896420155000,  0.05394916247694748300,
         0.39961448116106396000, -0.35734834346183769000, -0.04226613769922723400,
        -0.33634249144114703000,  0.28239332896420027000,  0.05394916247694724100,
        -0.21667948075941171000,  0.12935693076722185000,  0.08732254999219028800,
        -0.33634249144114398000,  0.28239332896419722000,  0.05394916247694688700,
         0.39961448116106157000, -0.35734834346183453000, -0.04226613769922710200,
        -0.33634249144114919000,  0.28239332896420105000,  0.05394916247694810100,
         0.39961448116107307000, -0.35734834346184485000, -0.04226613769922824700,
        -0.54188833749531484000,  0.49456532031183192000,  0.04732301718348254400,
         0.00000000000000042643, -0.00000000000000052416, -0.00000000000000028161,
         0.54188833749532672000, -0.49456532031184147000, -0.04732301718348516700,
         0.00000000000000208148, -0.00000000000000170526, -0.00000000000000039120,
        -0.00000000000001165642,  0.00000000000000998830,  0.00000000000000133016,
        -0.00000000000000389738,  0.00000000000000286692,  0.00000000000000081238,
         0.54188833749532805000, -0.49456532031184208000, -0.04732301718348581200,
        -0.00000000000000308117,  0.00000000000000212213,  0.00000000000000117840,
        -0.54188833749532439000,  0.49456532031183975000,  0.04732301718348420900,
         0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,
         0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,
         0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,
         0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,
         0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,  0.20000000000000001000,
         0.33333333333333331000,  0.33333333333333331000,  0.33333333333333331000,
         0.00000000000000093850, -0.00000000000000054323, -0.00000000000000011761,
        -0.03290466729806285100,  0.00000000000000063771,  0.00000000000000000000,
         0.00000000000000000000,  0.00000000000000000000,  0.00000000000000000000};

 // **********************************************************************
 // MAIN
 // **********************************************************************
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

       double xData[][]; // Input  Attributes for Trainer
       int    yData[]; // Output Attributes for Trainer
       int i, j;         // array indicies
       int nWeights = 0; // Number of weights obtained from network
       String trainLogName    = "BinaryClassificationNetworkEx2.log";
       int[][] z;

    // **********************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************
       long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();

       xData = new double[nObs][nInputs];
       yData = new int[nObs];

       /* Perform Binary Filtering. */
       for (i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
           for (j=0;j<data[0].length;j++) {
       int xx[] = new int[nObs];
       UnsupervisedNominalFilter filter = new UnsupervisedNominalFilter(3);      
       for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
           // Copy each variable to a temp var
           for (j=0; j<nObs; j++) {
               xx[j] = data[j][i];
           //  Perform binary filter on temp var
           z = filter.encode(xx);
           //  Copy binary encoded var to xData
            for (j=0; j<nObs; j++) {
               for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
                   xData[j][k+(i*3)] = (double) z[j][k];
       for (i=0; i < nObs; i++) {
           yData[i] = (i >= 626 ? 0 : 1);
    // **********************************************************************
    // **********************************************************************
       FeedForwardNetwork network = new FeedForwardNetwork();
       Perceptron perceptrons[] = network.getPerceptrons();
       for (i=0; i < perceptrons.length-1; i++) {
     // **********************************************************************
     // **********************************************************************
        BinaryClassification classification = new BinaryClassification(network);

        QuasiNewtonTrainer stageITrainer  = new QuasiNewtonTrainer();
        QuasiNewtonTrainer stageIITrainer = new QuasiNewtonTrainer();
        EpochTrainer trainer = new EpochTrainer(stageITrainer, stageIITrainer);
        // Set Training Parameters
        // Set random number seeds to produce repeatable output
        trainer.setRandom(new Random(5555));
        trainer.setRandomSamples(new Random(5555), new Random(5555));

       // If tracing is requested setup training logger
       if (trace) {
            try {
                Handler handler = new FileHandler(trainLogName);
                Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.imsl.datamining.neural");
                System.out.println("--> Training Log Created in "+
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("--> Cannot Create Training Log.");
       classification.train(trainer, xData, yData);
       System.out.println("trainer.getErrorValue = "+trainer.getErrorValue());
       System.out.println("StageITrainer.getErrorValue = "+stageITrainer.getErrorValue());
       System.out.println("StageIITrainer.getErrorValue = "+stageIITrainer.getErrorValue());

       // **********************************************************************
       // **********************************************************************
       double stats[] = classification.computeStatistics(xData, yData);
       System.out.println("--> Cross-entropy error:        "+(float)stats[0]);
       System.out.println("--> Classification error rate:  "+(float)stats[1]);

       // **********************************************************************
       // **********************************************************************
        double weight[]   = network.getWeights();
        double gradient[] = trainer.getErrorGradient();
        double wg[][] = new double[weight.length][2];
        for(i = 0;  i < weight.length;  i++) 
            wg[i][0] = weight[i];
            wg[i][1] = gradient[i];
        PrintMatrixFormat pmf = new PrintMatrixFormat();
        pmf.setNumberFormat(new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.000000"));
        pmf.setColumnLabels(new String[]{"Weights", "Gradients"});
        new PrintMatrix().print(pmf,wg);

        // **********************************************************************
        //     forecast the network
        // **********************************************************************
        double report[][] = new double[nObs][2];
        for ( i = 0;  i < 50;  i++) {
            report[i][0] = yData[i];
            report[i][1] = classification.predictedClass(xData[i]);
        pmf = new PrintMatrixFormat();
        pmf.setColumnLabels(new String[]{"Expected","Predicted"});
        new PrintMatrix("Forecast").print(pmf, report);
        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        double small = 1.e-7;
        double time =  t1-t0; //Math.max(small, (double)(t1-t0)/(double)iters);
        time = time/1000;
        System.out.println("****************Time:  "+time);
        System.out.println("trainer.getErrorValue = "+trainer.getErrorValue());
        System.out.println("StageITrainer.getErrorValue = "+stageITrainer.getErrorValue());
        System.out.println("StageIITrainer.getErrorValue = "+stageIITrainer.getErrorValue());


--> Training Log Created in BinaryClassificationNetworkEx2.log
trainer.getErrorValue = 1.4572899893203097
StageITrainer.getErrorValue = 482.27809835973795
StageIITrainer.getErrorValue = 1.4572899893203097
--> Cross-entropy error:        1.4572899
--> Classification error rate:  0.0020876827

      Weights    Gradients  
  0    2.944218  -0.000103  
  1   11.572133  -0.002104  
  2  -10.464978   0.031618  
  3   18.197968  -0.099090  
  4   26.552980  -0.007697  
  5  -12.948492  -0.004065  
  6   -6.920502   0.026458  
  7   12.449166   0.002808  
  8  -22.044311  -0.101337  
  9  -28.603049  -0.000001  
 10   11.236107   0.000069  
 11    2.983088  -0.000000  
 12  -10.165526   0.000501  
 13    1.947292  -0.000411  
 14  -19.153976  -0.000000  
 15   -8.400962  -0.004047  
 16  -12.026586  -0.000877  
 17   -6.175538   0.034892  
 18   16.752667  -0.302597  
 19   27.202764  -0.007699  
 20    7.846400  -0.000000  
 21    9.415102   0.000000  
 22   -0.717963  -0.000000  
 23  -22.044410   0.000000  
 24  -36.633994   0.000001  
 25    2.960843  -0.000053  
 26    9.591344   0.025231  
 27   -0.050062   0.000035  
 28    4.260128   0.101759  
 29  -11.478470   0.000000  
 30  -10.507361   0.000000  
 31   17.400312   0.024341  
 32   -4.365829   0.030967  
 33   20.318348  -0.002424  
 34  -40.598205  -0.007753  
 35   11.547888  -0.004180  
 36  -13.955145   0.000013  
 37  -12.967388   0.003914  
 38  -24.426023  -0.198309  
 39   28.236830   0.000055  
 40    1.006560   0.000081  
 41    4.508082  -0.000000  
 42    7.094010   0.000046  
 43    2.986456  -0.000105  
 44   -9.215039  -0.000001  
 45  -18.006465  -0.000063  
 46    6.899860   0.026472  
 47   -9.835696   0.002747  
 48   17.886021  -0.214726  
 49    1.824013   0.000000  
 50   12.255996  -0.003981  
 51   -2.444224  -0.002118  
 52    4.933440   0.032021  
 53  -22.233104   0.013710  
 54  -11.061314  -0.007698  
 55    6.440296  -0.000056  
 56    3.000394   0.000000  
 57   -4.155388   0.000159  
 58    2.669732   0.000177  
 59  -11.757717   0.000000  
 60   27.524414  -0.003981  
 61   55.921417  -0.000001  
 62   -1.707040   0.004514  
 63   20.846132  -0.135316  
 64   -7.685032  -0.000001  
 65  -27.369955  -0.000119  
 66  -40.908826   0.026472  
 67   -4.823267   0.030411  
 68  -23.581984  -0.065522  
 69    3.181360  -0.007697  
 70    1.828543  -0.000000  
 71   -6.090504  -0.002116  
 72   -0.988539   0.000002  
 73    0.790178  -0.000000  
 74  -17.522973  -0.000000  
 75  -25.682496  -0.003981  
 76  -11.943730   0.025216  
 77   -6.535236   0.031614  
 78   19.237103   0.115771  
 79  -23.303947  -0.007697  
 80   20.785871  -0.000061  
 81   -0.398901  -0.000875  
 82    4.220983   0.002898  
 83  -21.805541  -0.316308  
 84    5.385592   0.000000  
 85    7.992170  -0.000058  
 86   20.561026   0.000014  
 87   -5.836442   0.000415  
 88   -0.392213  -0.000302  
 89   -3.883298  -0.000001  
 90   -6.908613  -0.004065  
 91   10.546036   0.001241  
 92  -39.677236  -0.000000  
 93   18.095781   0.056472  
 94    9.597760   0.000000  
 95    3.294999  -0.000034  
 96  -21.179800  -0.002104  
 97   31.118283   0.034927  
 98  -22.059079  -0.358786  
 99    8.161085  -0.007698  
100    5.313321  -0.000000  
101   19.102103   0.025217  
102    0.740958  -0.000000  
103    2.578075   0.101476  
104  -38.607568   0.000000  
105   -8.339988  -0.000035  
106    1.639758   0.000013  
107   -3.726085   0.034889  
108   15.554956  -0.422305  
109   42.980892  -0.007752  
110    2.181836  -0.004065  
111    4.443285   0.001241  
112    2.587092   0.000036  
113  -22.489842   0.119719  
114  -36.432494  -0.000000  
115    8.075659  -0.000000  
116    0.979978   0.023101  
117   -7.488272   0.000002  
118    5.319442   0.101748  
119  -26.819508   0.000054  
120    3.541003  -0.004128  
121    4.189919  -0.000875  
122   -9.620799   0.002783  
123   19.398187  -0.202984  
124   -3.194663   0.000055  
125   -5.228130   0.000083  
126   -3.757340   0.025216  
127    9.792260   0.032081  
128  -21.755460   0.002231  
129   -7.715387  -0.007753  
130    2.769206  -0.000055  
131    7.901853   0.000014  
132  -10.435488   0.000062  
133    1.168304  -0.000086  
134   -9.954674  -0.000001  
135  -51.555283  -0.071057  
136    4.958954  -0.000000  
137   -7.408263   0.000000  
138   39.517621  -0.070072  
139   13.036423  -0.000000  
140   24.059711   0.000000  
141  -20.165068  -0.061182  
142    2.978425   0.000000  
143   -3.346216  -0.000001  
144   91.294581  -0.053340  
145    4.700837   0.000000  
146   33.962649  -0.000005  
147   58.702284  -0.401485  
148    3.416411   0.000000  
149    4.415371  -0.002499  
150  171.784942  -0.005808  
151  -45.805688  -0.010427  
152   12.976783  -0.010230  
153    1.348388  -0.004100  
154    7.967453   0.024354  
155   -8.634125   0.034927  
156   -1.937680  -0.200838  
157  -21.314065  -0.007698  
158  -58.810144  -0.445640  
159   13.151796   0.000000  
160   -0.728858  -0.002499  
161  -56.918496  -0.010427  

     Expected  Predicted  
  0     1          1      
  1     1          1      
  2     1          1      
  3     1          1      
  4     1          1      
  5     1          1      
  6     1          1      
  7     1          1      
  8     1          1      
  9     1          1      
 10     1          1      
 11     1          1      
 12     1          1      
 13     1          1      
 14     1          1      
 15     1          1      
 16     1          1      
 17     1          1      
 18     1          1      
 19     1          1      
 20     1          1      
 21     1          1      
 22     1          1      
 23     1          1      
 24     1          1      
 25     1          1      
 26     1          1      
 27     1          1      
 28     1          1      
 29     1          1      
 30     1          1      
 31     1          1      
 32     1          1      
 33     1          1      
 34     1          1      
 35     1          1      
 36     1          1      
 37     1          1      
 38     1          1      
 39     1          1      
 40     1          1      
 41     1          1      
 42     1          1      
 43     1          1      
 44     1          1      
 45     1          1      
 46     1          1      
 47     1          1      
 48     1          1      
 49     1          1      
 50     0          0      
 51     0          0      
 52     0          0      
 53     0          0      
 54     0          0      
 55     0          0      
 56     0          0      
 57     0          0      
 58     0          0      
 59     0          0      
 60     0          0      
 61     0          0      
 62     0          0      
 63     0          0      
 64     0          0      
 65     0          0      
 66     0          0      
 67     0          0      
 68     0          0      
 69     0          0      
 70     0          0      
 71     0          0      
 72     0          0      
 73     0          0      
 74     0          0      
 75     0          0      
 76     0          0      
 77     0          0      
 78     0          0      
 79     0          0      
 80     0          0      
 81     0          0      
 82     0          0      
 83     0          0      
 84     0          0      
 85     0          0      
 86     0          0      
 87     0          0      
 88     0          0      
 89     0          0      
 90     0          0      
 91     0          0      
 92     0          0      
 93     0          0      
 94     0          0      
 95     0          0      
 96     0          0      
 97     0          0      
 98     0          0      
 99     0          0      
100     0          0      
101     0          0      
102     0          0      
103     0          0      
104     0          0      
105     0          0      
106     0          0      
107     0          0      
108     0          0      
109     0          0      
110     0          0      
111     0          0      
112     0          0      
113     0          0      
114     0          0      
115     0          0      
116     0          0      
117     0          0      
118     0          0      
119     0          0      
120     0          0      
121     0          0      
122     0          0      
123     0          0      
124     0          0      
125     0          0      
126     0          0      
127     0          0      
128     0          0      
129     0          0      
130     0          0      
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****************Time:  10.157
trainer.getErrorValue = 1.4572899893203097
StageITrainer.getErrorValue = 482.27809835973795
StageIITrainer.getErrorValue = 1.4572899893203097
Link to Java source.