Example: Life Tables

This example is taken from Chiang (1968). The cohort life table has thirteen equally spaced intervals, so age[0] is set to -5.0. Similarly, the probabilities of death prior to the middle of the interval are all taken to be 0.5, so a[0] is set to -1.0.
import com.imsl.stat.*;
import com.imsl.math.PrintMatrix;
import com.imsl.math.PrintMatrixFormat;

public class LifeTablesEx1 {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int[] nCohort = {270, 268, 264, 261, 254, 251,
                         248, 232, 166, 130, 76, 34, 13};
        double[] age = new double[nCohort.length + 1];
        double[] a = new double[nCohort.length];

        age[0] = -5.0;
        a[0] = -1.0;

        LifeTables lt = new LifeTables(nCohort, age, a);
        double[][] table = lt.getLifeTable();

        PrintMatrixFormat pmf = new PrintMatrixFormat();
        String[] cols = {"Age", "PDHALF", "Alive", "Deaths", "Death Rate",
                         "P(D)", "Std(P(D))", "P(S)", "Std(P(S))", "Lifetime",
                         "Std(Life)", "Time Units"};
        pmf.setNumberFormat(new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.0####"));
        PrintMatrix pm = new PrintMatrix("Life Table");


           Life Table
    Age   PDHALF  Alive  Deaths  
 0   0.0   0.5    270.0    2.0   
 1   5.0   0.5    268.0    4.0   
 2  10.0   0.5    264.0    3.0   
 3  15.0   0.5    261.0    7.0   
 4  20.0   0.5    254.0    3.0   
 5  25.0   0.5    251.0    3.0   
 6  30.0   0.5    248.0   16.0   
 7  35.0   0.5    232.0   66.0   
 8  40.0   0.5    166.0   36.0   
 9  45.0   0.5    130.0   54.0   
10  50.0   0.5     76.0   42.0   
11  55.0   0.5     34.0   21.0   
12  60.0   0.5     13.0   13.0   

    Death Rate   P(D)    Std(P(D))   P(S)    
 0      ?       0.00741   0.00522   1.0      
 1      ?       0.01493   0.00741   0.99259  
 2      ?       0.01136   0.00652   0.97778  
 3      ?       0.02682   0.01      0.96667  
 4      ?       0.01181   0.00678   0.94074  
 5      ?       0.01195   0.00686   0.92963  
 6      ?       0.06452   0.0156    0.91852  
 7      ?       0.28448   0.02962   0.85926  
 8      ?       0.21687   0.03199   0.61481  
 9      ?       0.41538   0.04322   0.48148  
10      ?       0.55263   0.05704   0.28148  
11      ?       0.61765   0.08334   0.12593  
12      ?       1.0       0.0       0.04815  

    Std(P(S))  Lifetime  Std(Life)  Time Units  
 0   0.0       43.18519   0.69929     1345.0    
 1   0.00522   38.48881   0.67074     1330.0    
 2   0.00897   34.03409   0.62303     1312.5    
 3   0.01092   29.39655   0.59401     1287.5    
 4   0.01437   25.1378    0.54028     1262.5    
 5   0.01557   20.40837   0.52367     1247.5    
 6   0.01665   15.625     0.51485     1200.0    
 7   0.02116   11.53017   0.49815      995.0    
 8   0.02962   10.12048   0.46017      740.0    
 9   0.03041    7.23077   0.4328       515.0    
10   0.02737    5.59211   0.43607      275.0    
11   0.02019    4.41176   0.41671      117.5    
12   0.01303    2.5       0.0           32.5    

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