
Lights are used in conjunction with the surface fill color to shade surfaces where no color is defined.

The ChartLights node is automatically created by the Chart3D node. It provides a default set of lights. As with any node, it can be disabled by setting its Paint attribute to false.

More control over lighting is possible by using lighting chart nodes. There are three types of light nodes:

      AmbientLight is a light that seems to come from all directions.

      DirectionalLight is an oriented light with an origin at infinity. The Direction attribute defines the light's direction.

      PointLight is a light at a fixed point in space that radiates light equally in all directions away from the light source. The Position attribute defines the fixed point. The light's position is in a coordinate system in which the default viewport is the cube [-1,1] by [-1,1] by [-1,1].

Each of these nodes has a Color attribute to define the color of the light.

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