Major Tick Marks

The node MajorTick controls the drawing of tick marks on an AxisXYZ.

The location of the major tick marks can be set explicitly, using the Axis3D.setTicks(double[]) method. However, it is usually easier to allow autoscaling to automatically set the tick locations (see Autoscale).

Attribute TickLength

Tick marks can be made relatively longer or shorter by setting the attribute Tick­Length. Its default value is 1.0. If its value is negative, the tick marks are drawn in the opposite direction.

Attribute Number

Number is the number of major tick marks along an axis.

Attribute Ticks

The Ticks attribute, in an Axis3D node, contains the position of the major tick marks. If this attribute is not explicitly set, its value is computed from the attributes Number, Window and Transform.

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