Example: Bond Yield - Odd Long Last Coupon

This example calculates the yield of an odd long last coupon with one coupon period to redemption.
Settlement 02/07/1993
Maturity 06/15/1993
Last Coupon 10/15/1992
Rate 0.0375
Price 99.878286
Redemption Value 100.0
Payment Frequency Bond.SEMIANNUAL
Day Count Basis DayCountBasis.Basis30e360

import com.imsl.finance.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

public class OddLongLastOneCoupYieldEx {

    static final DateFormat dateFormat
            = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.US);

    static private GregorianCalendar parse(String s) throws ParseException {
        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        return cal;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {
        GregorianCalendar settlement = parse("02/07/1993");
        GregorianCalendar maturity = parse("06/15/1993");
        GregorianCalendar lastCoupon = parse("10/15/1992");
        double yield = Bond.yield(settlement, maturity, lastCoupon, 0.0375,
                99.878286, 100.0, Bond.SEMIANNUAL,
        System.out.println("The yield is " + yield);


The yield is 0.04050000041565726
Link to Java source.