Example: Moving Range Chart

This moving range chart plots the flowrate for 10 batches. The data is from NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook: Individuals Control Charts .
using Imsl.Chart2D;
using Imsl.Chart2D.QC;
using System;

public class XmREx1 : FrameChart
	static private readonly double[] flowrate = {
		49.6, 47.6, 49.9, 51.3, 47.8, 51.2, 52.6, 52.4, 53.6, 52.1

	public XmREx1()
		AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(this.Chart);
		XmR mr = new XmR(axis, flowrate);
	public static void Main(string[] argv) 
		System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new XmREx1());


Link to C# source.