Example: LU Factorization of a Complex Sparse Matrix

The LU Factorization of the sparse complex 6 \times 6 matrix

 A=\begin{pmatrix} 10+7i & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 3+2i & -3+0i & -1+2i & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 4+2i & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ -2-4i & 0.0 & 0.0 & 1+6i & -1+3i & 0.0 \\ -5+4i & 0.0 & 0.0 & -5+0i & 12+2i & -7+7i \\ -1+12i & -2+8i & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 3+7i \end{pmatrix}
is computed. The sparse coordinate form for A is given by row, column, value triplets:

row column value
0 0 10+7i
1 1 3+2i
1 2 -3+0i
1 3 -1+2i
2 2 4+2i
3 0 -2-4i
3 3 1+6i
3 4 -1+3i
4 0 -5+4i
4 3 -5+0i
4 4 12+2i
4 5 -7+7i
5 0 -1+12i
5 1 -2+8i
5 5 3+7i


x^T = (1+i, 2+2i, 3+3i, 4+4i, 5+5i, 6+6i)
so that
b_1:=Ax = {(3+17i, -19+5i, 6+18i, -38+32i, -63+49i, -57+83i)}^T
b_2:=A^Hx = {(54-112i, 46-58i, 12, 5-51i, 78+34i, 60-94i)}^T\,.

The LU factorization of A is used to solve the complex sparse linear systems Ax=b_1 and A^Hx=b_2 with iterative refinement. The reciprocal pivot growth factor and the reciprocal condition number are also computed.

using System;
using Imsl.Math;

public class ComplexSuperLUEx1
	public static void Main(String[] args)
		int m;
		ComplexSuperLU cslu;
		double conditionNumber, recip_pivot_growth;
		Complex[] sol = null;
		double Ferr, Berr;
		Complex[] b1 = { new Complex(3.0, 17.0), new Complex(-19.0, 5.0),
						 new Complex(6.0, 18.0), new Complex(-38.0, 32.0),
						 new Complex(-63.0, 49.0), new Complex(-57.0, 83.0)
		Complex[] b2 = { new Complex(54.0, -112.0), new Complex(46.0, -58.0),
						 new Complex(12.0, 0.0), new Complex(5.0, -51.0),
						 new Complex(78.0, 34.0), new Complex(60.0, -94.0)
		// Initialize input matrix A.
		m = 6;
		ComplexSparseMatrix a = new ComplexSparseMatrix(m, m);
		a.Set(0, 0, new Complex(10.0, 7.0));
		a.Set(1, 1, new Complex(3.0, 2.0));
		a.Set(1, 2, new Complex(-3.0, 0.0));
		a.Set(1, 3, new Complex(-1.0, 2.0));
		a.Set(2, 2, new Complex(4.0, 2.0));
		a.Set(3, 0, new Complex(- 2.0, -4.0));
		a.Set(3, 3, new Complex(1.0, 6.0));
		a.Set(3, 4, new Complex(-1.0, 3.0));
		a.Set(4, 0, new Complex(-5.0, 4.0));
		a.Set(4, 3, new Complex(-5.0, 0.0));
		a.Set(4, 4, new Complex(12.0, 2.0));
		a.Set(4, 5, new Complex(-7.0, 7.0));
		a.Set(5, 0, new Complex(-1.0, 12.0));
		a.Set(5, 1, new Complex(-2.0, 8.0));
		a.Set(5, 5, new Complex(3.0, 7.0));

		// Compute the sparse LU factorization of a
		cslu = new ComplexSuperLU(a);
		cslu.Equilibrate = false;
		cslu.ColumnOrderingMethod =
		cslu.PivotGrowth =true;

		// Set option of iterative refinement

		// Solve sparse system A*x = b1
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Solve sparse System A*x=b1");
		sol = cslu.Solve(b1);
		new PrintMatrix("Solution").Print(sol);

		// Determine error bounds
		Ferr = cslu.ForwardErrorBound;
		Berr = cslu.RelativeBackwardError;
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Forward error bound: " + Ferr);
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Relative backward error: " + Berr);

		// Solve sparse system (A^H)*x = b2
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Solve sparse System (A^H)*x=b2");
		sol = cslu.SolveConjugateTranspose(b2);
		new PrintMatrix("Solution").Print(sol);

		// Determine error bounds
		Ferr = cslu.ForwardErrorBound;
		Berr = cslu.RelativeBackwardError;
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Forward error bound: " + Ferr);
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Relative backward error: " + Berr);

		// Compute reciprocal pivot growth factor and condition number
		recip_pivot_growth = cslu.ReciprocalPivotGrowthFactor;
		conditionNumber = cslu.ConditionNumber;
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Pivot growth factor and condition number");
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Reciprocal pivot growth factor: " + recip_pivot_growth);
		Console.Out.WriteLine("Reciprocal condition number: " + conditionNumber);


Solve sparse System A*x=b1

0  1+1i  
1  2+2i  
2  3+3i  
3  4+4i  
4  5+5i  
5  6+6i  

Forward error bound: 2.83933305928053E-15
Relative backward error: 1.70803542250024E-16

Solve sparse System (A^H)*x=b2

0  1+1i                 
1  2+2.00000000000001i  
2  3+3i                 
3  4+4i                 
4  5+5i                 
5  6+6i                 

Forward error bound: 8.54834098797111E-15
Relative backward error: 1.02977208081174E-16

Pivot growth factor and condition number

Reciprocal pivot growth factor: 0.799382716049383
Reciprocal condition number: 0.0700654479096751

Link to C# source.