Example: The cubic spline interpolant to noisy data
A cubic spline interpolant to noisy data is computed using cross-validation to estimate the smoothing parameter. The value of the spline at point 0.3010 is printed.
using System;
using Imsl.Math;
using Imsl.Stat;
public class CsSmoothEx1
public static void Main(String[] args)
int n = 300;
double[] x = new double[n];
double[] y = new double[n];
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
x[k] = (3.0 * k) / (n - 1);
y[k] = 1.0 / (0.1 + System.Math.Pow(3.0 * (x[k] - 1.0), 4));
// Seed the random number generator
Imsl.Stat.Random rn = new Imsl.Stat.Random(1234579);
rn.Multiplier = 16807;
// Contaminate the data
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
y[i] += 2.0 * (float) rn.NextDouble() - 1.0;
// Smooth the data
CsSmooth cs = new CsSmooth(x, y);
double csv = cs.Eval(0.3010);
Console.Out.WriteLine("The computed cubic spline value at " +
"point .3010 is " + csv);
The computed cubic spline value at point .3010 is 0.0101201298963992
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