Example 2: Minimum of a smooth function

The minimum of e^x - 5x is found using function evaluations and first derivative evaluations.
using System;
using Imsl.Math;

public class MinUnconEx2 : MinUncon.IDerivative
	public double F(double x)
		return Math.Exp(x) - 5.0 * x;
	public double Derivative(double x)
		return Math.Exp(x) - 5.0;

	public static void  Main(String[] args)
		MinUncon zf = new MinUncon();
		zf.Guess = 0.0;
		zf.Accuracy = .001;
		double x = zf.ComputeMin(new MinUnconEx2());
		Console.Out.WriteLine("x = " + x);


x = 1.61001131622703

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