Example: FaureSequence

In this example, ten points of the Faure sequence are computed. The points are in a four-dimensional cube.
using System;
using FaureSequence = Imsl.Stat.FaureSequence;
using PrintMatrix = Imsl.Math.PrintMatrix;

public class FaureSequenceEx1
	public static void  Main(String[] args)
		FaureSequence seq = new FaureSequence(4);
		double[][] x = new double[10][];
		for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
			x[k] = seq.NextPoint();
		new PrintMatrix("Faure Sequence").Print(x);


              Faure Sequence
      0         1         2         3      
0  0.201344  0.274944  0.532544  0.694144  
1  0.401344  0.474944  0.732544  0.894144  
2  0.601344  0.674944  0.932544  0.094144  
3  0.801344  0.874944  0.132544  0.294144  
4  0.841344  0.114944  0.572544  0.934144  
5  0.041344  0.314944  0.772544  0.134144  
6  0.241344  0.514944  0.972544  0.334144  
7  0.441344  0.714944  0.172544  0.534144  
8  0.641344  0.914944  0.372544  0.734144  
9  0.681344  0.154944  0.612544  0.374144  

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