Example 2

In this example, a two-way analysis of covariance model containing all the interaction terms is fit. First, RegressorsForGLM is used to produce a matrix of regressors, regressors , from the data x . Then, regressors is used as the input matrix into Regression to produce the final fit. The regressors, generated using the dummy method LeaveOutLast , are the model whose mean function is
 \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_{ij} + \delta x_{ij} +\zeta_i x_{ij} +\eta x_{ij} + \theta_i x_{ij} \mbox{~~~} i = 1, 2;~ j=1, 2, 3
where \alpha_2 = \beta_3 = \gamma_{21} + \gamma_{22} + \gamma{23} + \zeta_2 + \eta_3 + \theta_{21} + \theta_{22} + \theta_{23} = 0.
using System;
using Imsl.Stat;
using Imsl.Math;

public class RegressorsForEx2
	public static void  Main(String[] args)
		double[,] x = {
				{1.0, 1.0, 1.11},
				{1.0, 1.0, 2.22},
				{1.0, 1.0, 3.33},
				{1.0, 2.0, 1.11},
				{1.0, 2.0, 2.22},
				{1.0, 2.0, 3.33},
				{1.0, 3.0, 1.11},
				{1.0, 3.0, 2.22},
				{1.0, 3.0, 3.33},
				{2.0, 1.0, 1.11},
				{2.0, 1.0, 2.22},
				{2.0, 1.0, 3.33},
				{2.0, 2.0, 1.11},
				{2.0, 2.0, 2.22},
				{2.0, 2.0, 3.33},
				{2.0, 3.0, 1.11},
				{2.0, 3.0, 2.22},
				{2.0, 3.0, 3.33}
		double[] y = {
						 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 6.0,
						 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5,
						 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
		int[][] effects = {
							  new int[]{0},
							  new int[]{1},
							  new int[]{0, 1},
							  new int[]{2},
							  new int[]{0, 2},
							  new int[]{1, 2},
							  new int[]{0, 1, 2}
		int nClassVariables = 2;

		RegressorsForGLM r = new RegressorsForGLM(x, nClassVariables);
		r.DummyMethod = RegressorsForGLM.DummyType.LeaveOutLast;

		int nRegressors = r.NumberOfRegressors;
		double[,] regressors = r.GetRegressors();

		Imsl.Math.PrintMatrixFormat pmf = new Imsl.Math.PrintMatrixFormat();
		pmf.SetColumnLabels(new String[]{"Alpha1", "Beta1", "Beta2",
											"Gamma11", "Gamma12", "Delta", "Zeta1", "Eta1", "Eta2",
											"Theta11", "Theta12"});
		new Imsl.Math.PrintMatrix("Regressors").Print(pmf,regressors);
		LinearRegression regression = new LinearRegression(nRegressors, true);
		regression.Update(regressors, y);
		Console.WriteLine("        * * * Analysis of Variance * * *");
		ANOVA anova = regression.ANOVA;
		Object[,] table = new Object[15,2];
		table[0,0] = "Degrees of freedom for the model       ";
		table[0,1] = anova.DegreesOfFreedomForModel;
		table[1,0] = "Degrees of freedom for the error       ";
		table[1,1] = anova.DegreesOfFreedomForError;
		table[2,0] = "Total degrees of freedom               ";
		table[2,1] = anova.TotalDegreesOfFreedom;
		table[3,0] = "Sum of squares for the model           ";
		table[3,1] = anova.SumOfSquaresForModel;
		table[4,0] = "Sum of squares for error               ";
		table[4,1] = anova.SumOfSquaresForError;
		table[5,0] = "Total sum of squares                   ";
		table[5,1] = anova.TotalSumOfSquares;
		table[6,0] = "Model mean square                      ";
		table[6,1] = anova.ModelMeanSquare;
		table[7,0] = "Error mean square                      ";
		table[7,1] = anova.ErrorMeanSquare;
		table[8,0] = "F-statistic                            ";
		table[8,1] = anova.F;
		table[9,0] = "p-value                                ";
		table[9,1] = anova.P;
		table[10,0] = "R-squared                             ";
		table[10,1] = anova.RSquared;
		table[11,0] = "Adjusted R-squared                    ";
		table[11,1] = anova.AdjustedRSquared;
		table[12,0] = "Standard deviation for the model error";
		table[12,1] = anova.ModelErrorStdev;
		table[13,0] = "Overall mean of y                     ";
		table[13,1] = anova.MeanOfY;
		table[14,0] = "Coefficient of variation              ";
		table[14,1] = anova.CoefficientOfVariation;
		pmf = new Imsl.Math.PrintMatrixFormat();
		pmf.NumberFormat = "0.0000";
		new Imsl.Math.PrintMatrix().Print(pmf, table);


    Alpha1  Beta1  Beta2  Gamma11  Gamma12  Delta  Zeta1  Eta1  Eta2  Theta11  Theta12  
 0    1       1      0       1        0     1.11   1.11   1.11  0      1.11     0       
 1    1       1      0       1        0     2.22   2.22   2.22  0      2.22     0       
 2    1       1      0       1        0     3.33   3.33   3.33  0      3.33     0       
 3    1       0      1       0        1     1.11   1.11   0     1.11   0        1.11    
 4    1       0      1       0        1     2.22   2.22   0     2.22   0        2.22    
 5    1       0      1       0        1     3.33   3.33   0     3.33   0        3.33    
 6    1       0      0       0        0     1.11   1.11   0     0      0        0       
 7    1       0      0       0        0     2.22   2.22   0     0      0        0       
 8    1       0      0       0        0     3.33   3.33   0     0      0        0       
 9    0       1      0       0        0     1.11   0      1.11  0      0        0       
10    0       1      0       0        0     2.22   0      2.22  0      0        0       
11    0       1      0       0        0     3.33   0      3.33  0      0        0       
12    0       0      1       0        0     1.11   0      0     1.11   0        0       
13    0       0      1       0        0     2.22   0      0     2.22   0        0       
14    0       0      1       0        0     3.33   0      0     3.33   0        0       
15    0       0      0       0        0     1.11   0      0     0      0        0       
16    0       0      0       0        0     2.22   0      0     0      0        0       
17    0       0      0       0        0     3.33   0      0     0      0        0       

        * * * Analysis of Variance * * *
Degrees of freedom for the model         11.0000  
Degrees of freedom for the error         6.0000   
Total degrees of freedom                 17.0000  
Sum of squares for the model             43.9028  
Sum of squares for error                 0.8333   
Total sum of squares                     44.7361  
Model mean square                        3.9912   
Error mean square                        0.1389   
F-statistic                              28.7364  
p-value                                  0.0003   
R-squared                                98.1372  
Adjusted R-squared                       94.7221  
Standard deviation for the model error   0.3727   
Overall mean of y                        3.9722   
Coefficient of variation                 9.3821   

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