IMSL C# Numerical Library

AbstractChartNode Members

AbstractChartNode overview

Public Static Fields

AUTOSCALE_DATA An int that indicates autoscaling is to be done by scanning the data nodes.
AUTOSCALE_DENSITY An int that indicates autoscaling is to adjust the "Density" attribute.
AUTOSCALE_NUMBER An int that indicates autoscaling is to adjust the "Number" attribute.
AUTOSCALE_OFF An int that indicates autoscaling is turned off.
AUTOSCALE_WINDOW An int that indicates autoscaling is to be done by using the "Window" attribute.
AXIS_X An int that indicates the x-axis.
AXIS_Y An int that indicates the y-axis.
DAY An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is a day.
HOUR An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is in hours.
LABEL_TYPE_NONE An int used to indicate the an element is not to be labeled.
LABEL_TYPE_TITLE An int used to indicate that an element is to be labeled with the value of its title attribute.
LABEL_TYPE_X An int used to indicate that an element is to be labeled with the value of its x-coordinate.
LABEL_TYPE_Y An int used to indicate that an element is to be labeled with the value of its y-coordinate.
MILLISECOND An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is in milliseconds.
MINUTE An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is in minutes.
MONTH An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is a month.
SECOND An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is in seconds.
TRANSFORM_CUSTOM An int used to indicate that the axis using a custom transformation.
TRANSFORM_LINEAR An int used to indicate that the axis uses linear scaling.
TRANSFORM_LOG An int used to indicate that the axis uses logarithmic scaling.
WEEK An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is a week of the year.
YEAR An int which specifies a minimum tick mark interval for an autoscaled time axis where the time resolution is a year.

Public Static Methods

IsBitSet Returns true if the bit set in flag is set in mask.

Public Instance Constructors

AbstractChartNode Constructor This interface contains members that will be common to chart objects in a variety of dimentions.

Public Instance Properties

AbstractParent Indicates the parent of this AbstractChartNode.
AutoscaleInput Indicates what inputs are used for autoscaling.
AutoscaleMinimumTimeInterval Specifies the minimum tick mark interval for autoscaled time axes.
AutoscaleOutput Specifies what attributes to change as a result of autoscaling.
CultureInfo Adds support for Windows supported locales.
CustomTransform Allows for the specification of a custom transform.
Density Specifies the number of minor tick marks in the interval between major tick marks.
FillColor Specifies a color that will be used to fill an area.
Font Defines a particular format for text, including font name, size, and style attributes.
FontName Specifies the font to be used by name.
FontSize Specifies the font size.
FontStyle Specifies the font style to be used.
ImageAttr An image that is to rendered when this ChartNode is displayed.
IsVisible Specifies if this node and its children will be drawn.
LabelType Specifies the type of label to display.
LineColor Specifies the line color for this node.
LineWidth Specifies the line width for this node.
MarkerColor Specifies what color will be used when rendering marker.
MarkerSize Specifies the size of markers.
Name Specifies the name of this node.
Number Specifies the number of tick marks along an axis.
SkipWeekends Specifies whether to skip weekends.
SmoothingMode Specifies the SmoothingMode for this node.
TextColor Specifies the text color.
TextFormat Specifies the "TextFormat" attribute value.
TextFormatProvider Specifies the "TextFormatProvider" attribute value.
TickLength This scales the length of the tick mark lines.
Transform Specifies whether the axis is linear, logarithmic or a custom transform.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetAttribute Gets the value of an attribute.
GetBooleanAttribute Convenience routine to get a Boolean-valued attribute.
GetColorAttribute Convenience routine to get a Color-valued attribute.
GetDoubleAttribute Convenience routine to get a Double-valued attribute.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetIntegerAttribute Convenience routine to get an Integer-valued attribute.
GetStringAttribute Convenience routine to get a String-valued attribute.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetX Returns the "X" attribute value.
GetY Returns the "Y" attribute value.
IsAncestorOf Determines if this node is an ancestor of the argument node.
IsAttributeSet Determines if an attribute is defined (may have been inherited).
IsAttributeSetAtThisNode Determines if an attribute is defined in this node (not inherited).
Remove Removes the node from its parents list of children.
SetAttribute Sets an attribute.
SetX Sets the "X" attribute value.
SetY Sets the "Y" attribute value.
ToString Returns the name of this chart node.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

AbstractChartNode Class | Imsl.Chart2D Namespace