IMSL C# Numerical Library

AxisTheta Members

AxisTheta overview

Public Instance Properties

AbstractParent (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Indicates the parent of this AbstractChartNode.
ALT (inherited from ChartNode) Used to construct an "alt" attribute value in client side image maps.
AutoscaleInput (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Indicates what inputs are used for autoscaling.
AutoscaleMinimumTimeInterval (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the minimum tick mark interval for autoscaled time axes.
AutoscaleOutput (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies what attributes to change as a result of autoscaling.
Axis (inherited from ChartNode) Typically provides a mapping for children from the user coordinate space to the device (screen) space.
Background (inherited from ChartNode) The base graphic layer displayed behind other ChartNode objects in the tree.
BarGap (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies the gap between bars in a group.
BarType (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies the orientation of the BarChart.
BarWidth (inherited from ChartNode) The width of all of the groups of bars at each index.
Chart (inherited from ChartNode) This is the root node of the chart tree.
ChartTitle (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies a title for the chart.
ClipData (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies whether the data elements are to be clipped to the current window.
CultureInfo (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Adds support for Windows supported locales.
CustomTransform (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Allows for the specification of a custom transform.
DataType (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies how the data is to be rendered.
Density (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the number of minor tick marks in the interval between major tick marks.
DoubleBuffering (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies whether double is active.
Explode (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies how far from the center pie slices are drawn.
FillColor (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies a color that will be used to fill an area.
FillOutlineColor (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies a color that will be used to outline this node.
FillOutlineType (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies a fill pattern type for the outline of this node.
FillType (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies a fill pattern type for this node.
Font (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Defines a particular format for text, including font name, size, and style attributes.
FontName (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the font to be used by name.
FontSize (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the font size.
FontStyle (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the font style to be used.
HREF (inherited from ChartNode) Used to specify an "activated" object in an image map.
ImageAttr (inherited from ChartNode) An image that is to rendered when this ChartNode is displayed.
IsVisible (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies if this node and its children will be drawn.
IsWebControl (inherited from ChartNode) Indicates whether this is a web control.
LabelType (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the type of label to display.
Legend (inherited from ChartNode) Legend information associated with this ChartNode.
LineColor (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the line color for this node.
LineWidth (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the line width for this node.
MarkerColor (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies what color will be used when rendering marker.
MarkerSize (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the size of markers.
MarkerThickness (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies the line thickness to be used when rendering the markers.
MarkerType (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies the type of data marker to be drawn.
Name (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the name of this node.
Number (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the number of tick marks along an axis.
Parent (inherited from ChartNode) Indicates the parent of this ChartNode.
Reference (inherited from ChartNode) Indicates the baseline in drawing area charts.
ScreenAxis (inherited from ChartNode) Provides a default mapping from the user coordinates [0,1] by [0,1] to the screen.
ScreenSize (inherited from ChartNode) Indicates the size of this ChartNode.
Size (inherited from ChartNode) Specifies the drawing size.
SkipWeekends (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies whether to skip weekends.
SmoothingMode (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the SmoothingMode for this node.
TextAngle (inherited from ChartNode) An angle, in degrees, at which text is to be drawn.
TextColor (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the text color.
TextFormat (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the "TextFormat" attribute value.
TextFormatProvider (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies the "TextFormatProvider" attribute value.
TickLength (inherited from AbstractChartNode) This scales the length of the tick mark lines.
ToolTip (inherited from ChartNode) Text that can be displayed in the case where tool tips are used.
Transform (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Specifies whether the axis is linear, logarithmic or a custom transform.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
FirePickListeners (inherited from ChartNode) Invokes the pick delegates defined at this node and at all of its ancestors, if the event "hits" the node.
GetAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Gets the value of an attribute.
GetBooleanAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Boolean-valued attribute.
GetChildren (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the list of child nodes.
GetColorAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Color-valued attribute.
GetComponent (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the "Component" attribute value.
GetConcatenatedViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute concatenated with the "Viewport" attributes set in its ancestor nodes.
GetDoubleAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Double-valued attribute.
GetFillPaint (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "FillPaint" attribute value.
GetGradient (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetIntegerAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get an Integer-valued attribute.
GetLineDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
GetMarkerDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
GetScreenViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute scaled by the screen size.
GetStringAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a String-valued attribute.
GetTicks Returns the "Ticks" attribute value.
GetTitle (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Title" attribute.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute.
GetWebComponent (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the "Component" attribute value.
GetWindow Returns the window for an AxisTheta.
GetX (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the "X" attribute value.
GetY (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the "Y" attribute value.
IsAncestorOf (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if this node is an ancestor of the argument node.
IsAttributeSet (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if an attribute is defined (may have been inherited).
IsAttributeSetAtThisNode (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if an attribute is defined in this node (not inherited).
Paint Paints this node and all of its children.
PrePaint (inherited from ChartNode) The PrePaint method is called in all nodes in a chart just before the chart is painted. The default implementation does nothing. Override this method to do computations just before painting in a chart node.
Remove (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Removes the node from its parents list of children.
SetAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets an attribute.
SetFillPaint (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the "FillPaint" attribute value.
SetGradient (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
SetLineDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Sets the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
SetMarkerDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Sets the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
SetTitle (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the value of the "Title" attribute.
SetViewport (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Used to specify the viewport location.
SetWindowOverloaded. Sets the window for an AxisTheta.
SetX (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets the "X" attribute value.
SetY (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets the "Y" attribute value.
ToString (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the name of this chart node.

Public Instance Events

PickPerformed (inherited from ChartNode) Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a chart node and a mouse button is pressed.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
OnPick (inherited from ChartNode) Invokes delegates registered with the Pick event.

Protected Internal Instance Fields

WebCtrl (inherited from ChartNode) A bool indicating if this ChartNode is a WebControl.

See Also

AxisTheta Class | Imsl.Chart2D Namespace | Polar