IMSL C# Numerical Library

Chart Methods

The methods of the Chart class are listed below. For a complete list of Chart class members, see the Chart Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

AddLegendItem Adds a Legend to a ChartNode.
Clone Returns a clone of the graphics tree.
Copy Copy the chart to the clipboard.
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
FirePickListeners (inherited from ChartNode) Invokes the pick delegates defined at this node and at all of its ancestors, if the event "hits" the node.
GetAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Gets the value of an attribute.
GetBooleanAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Boolean-valued attribute.
GetChildren (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the list of child nodes.
GetColorAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Color-valued attribute.
GetComponent (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the "Component" attribute value.
GetConcatenatedViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute concatenated with the "Viewport" attributes set in its ancestor nodes.
GetDoubleAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a Double-valued attribute.
GetFillPaint (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "FillPaint" attribute value.
GetGradient (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetIntegerAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get an Integer-valued attribute.
GetLineDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
GetMarkerDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
GetScreenViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute scaled by the screen size.
GetStringAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Convenience routine to get a String-valued attribute.
GetTitle (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Title" attribute.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetViewport (inherited from ChartNode) Returns the value of the "Viewport" attribute.
GetWebComponent (inherited from ChartNode) Gets the "Component" attribute value.
GetX (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the "X" attribute value.
GetY (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the "Y" attribute value.
IsAncestorOf (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if this node is an ancestor of the argument node.
IsAttributeSet (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if an attribute is defined (may have been inherited).
IsAttributeSetAtThisNode (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Determines if an attribute is defined in this node (not inherited).
PaintOverloaded. Paints this node and all of its children.
PaintChart Draw the chart using the given Graphics object.
PaintImage Returns an Image of the chart.
Pick Invoke the pick delegates for the nodes hit by the event.
PrePaint (inherited from ChartNode) The PrePaint method is called in all nodes in a chart just before the chart is painted. The default implementation does nothing. Override this method to do computations just before painting in a chart node.
PrintGraphics This method prints the chart on a single page.
Remove (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Removes the node from its parents list of children.
Repaint Prepares the chart to be repainted by deleting any double buffering image.
SetAttribute (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets an attribute.
SetComponent Sets the "Component" attribute value.
SetFillPaint (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the "FillPaint" attribute value.
SetGradient (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the value of the "Gradient" attribute.
SetLineDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Sets the "LineDashPattern" attribute value.
SetMarkerDashPattern (inherited from ChartNode) Sets the "MarkerDashPattern" attribute value.
SetTitle (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Sets the value of the "Title" attribute.
SetViewport (inherited from ChartNode)Overloaded. Used to specify the viewport location.
SetX (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets the "X" attribute value.
SetY (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Sets the "Y" attribute value.
ToString (inherited from AbstractChartNode) Returns the name of this chart node.
Update Update the chart when its component is damaged. The component can be damaged when the window containing it is iconified or is overlapped by another window.
WritePNG Writes the chart as an PNG file.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize Finalize disposes the image buffer.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
OnPick (inherited from ChartNode) Invokes delegates registered with the Pick event.

See Also

Chart Class | Imsl.Chart2D Namespace | Example