IMSL C# Numerical Library

MPSReader Class

Reads a linear programming problem from an MPS file.

For a list of all members of this type, see MPSReader Members.


public class MPSReader

Thread Safety

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.


An MPS file defines a linear or quadratic programming problem. Linear programming problems read using this class are assumed to be of the form:

\mathop{\min}\limits_{x\;\in\;R^n }c^T x
subject to
b_l  \le Ax  \le b_u
\,\,x_l  \le x \le x_u
where c is the objective coefficient vector, A is the coefficient matrix, and the vectors b_l, b_u, x_l, and x_u are the lower and upper bounds on the constraints and the variables, respectively.

The following table helps map this notation into use of MPSReader.

AConstraint matrix
b_lLower Range
b_uUpper Range
x_lLower Bound
x_uUpper Bound

If the MPS file specifies an equality constraint or bound, the corresponding lower and upper values will be exactly equal.

The problem formulation assumes that the constraints and bounds are two-sided. If a particular constraint or bound has no lower limit, then the corresponding entry in the structure is set to negative machine infinity. If the upper limit is missing, then the corresponding entry in the structure is set to positive machine infinity.

MPS File Format

There is some variability in the MPS format. This section describes the MPS format accepted by this reader.

An MPS file consists of a number of sections. Each section begins with a name in column 1. With the exception of the NAME section, the rest of this line is ignored. Lines with a '*' or '$' in column 1 are considered comment lines and are ignored.

The body of each section consists of lines divided into fields, as follows:

Field Number ColumnsContent

The format limits MPS names to 8 characters and values to 12 characters. The names in fields 2, 3 and 5 are case sensitive. Leading and trailing blanks are ignored, but internal spaces are significant.

The sections in an MPS file are as follows:





RANGES (optional)

BOUNDS (optional)

QUADRATIC (optional)


Sections must occur in the above order.

MPS keywords, section names and indicator values, are case insensitive. Row, column and set names are case sensitive.

NAME Section

The NAME section contains the single line. A problem name can occur anywhere on the line after NAME and before columns 62. The problem name is truncated to 8 characters.

ROWS Section

The ROWS section defines the name and type for each row. Field 1 contains the row type and field 2 contains the row name. Row type values are not case sensitive. Row names are case sensitive. The following row types are allowed:

Row TypeMeaning
EEquality constraint
LLess than or equal constraint
GGreater than or equal constraint
NObjective of a free row


The COLUMNS section defines the nonzero entries in the objective and the constraint matrix. The row names here must have been defined in the ROWS section.

Field Contents
2Column name
3Row name
4Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 3
5Row name
6Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 5

Note: Fields 5 and 6 are optional.

The COLUMNS section can also contain markers. These are indicated by the name 'MARKER' (with the quotes) in field 3 and the marker type in field 4 or 5.

Marker type 'INTORG' (with the quotes) begins an integer group. The marker type 'INTEND' (with the quotes) ends this group. The variables corresponding to the columns defined within this group are required to be integer.

RHS Section

The RHS section defines the right-hand side of the constraints. An MPS file can contain more than one RHS set, distinguished by the RHS set name. The row names here must be defined in the ROWS section.

Field Contents
2RHS name
3Row name
4Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 3
5Row name
6Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 5

Note: Fields 5 and 6 are optional.

RANGES Section

The optional RANGES section defines two-sided constraints. An MPS file can contain more than one range set, distinguished by the range set name. The row names here must have been defined in the ROWS section.

Field Contents
2Range set name
3Row name
4Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 3
5Row name
6Value for the entry whose row and column are given by fields 2 and 5

Note: Fields 5 and 6 are optional.

Ranges change one-sided constraints, defined in the RHS section, into two-sided constraints. The two-sided constraint for row i depends on the range value, r_i, defined in this section. The right-hand side value, b_i, is defined in the RHS section. The two sided constraints for row i are given in the following table:

Row Type Lower Constraint Upper Constraint
Gb_i b_i+|r_i|
Lb_i-|r_i| b_i
Eb_i+min(0,r_i) b_i+max(0,r_i)

BOUNDS Section

The optional BOUNDS section defines bounds on the variables. By default, the bounds are 0\le x_i\le\infty. The bounds can also be used to indicate that a variable must be an integer.

More than one bound can be set for a single variable. For example, to set 2\le x_i\le 6 use a LO bound with value 2 to set 2\le x_i and an UP bound with value 6 to add the condition x_i \le 6.

An MPS file can contain more than one bounds set, distinguished by the bound set name.

Field Contents
1Bounds type
2Bounds set name
3Column name
4Value for the entry whose set and column are given by fields 2 and 3
5Column name
6Value for the entry whose set and column are given by fields 2 and 5

Note: Fields 5 and 6 are optional.

The bound types are as follows. Here b_i are the bound values defined in this section, the x_i are the variables, and I is the set of integers.

Bound Type Definintion Formula
LOLower boundb_i\le
UPUpper boundx_i\le
FXFixed Variablex_i
FRFree variable-\infty\le x_i\le\infty
MILower bound is minus infinity -\infty\le x_i
PLUpper bound is positive infinityx_i\le\infty
BVBinary variable (variable must be 0 or 1)x_i\in\{0,1\}
UIUpper bound and integer x_i\le b_i and x_i\in I
LILower bound and integer b_i\le x_i and x_i\in I
SCSemicontinuous0 or b_i\le x_i

The bound type names are not case sensitive.

If the bound type is UP or UI and b_i\le x_i then the lower bound is set to -\infty.

ENDATA Section

The ENDATA section ends the MPS file.


Namespace: Imsl.Math

Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll)

See Also

MPSReader Members | Imsl.Math Namespace | Example