IMSL C# Numerical Library

MinConGenLin Class

Minimizes a general objective function subject to linear equality/inequality constraints.

For a list of all members of this type, see MinConGenLin Members.


public class MinConGenLin

Thread Safety

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.


The class MinConGenLin is based on M.J.D. Powell's TOLMIN, which solves linearly constrained optimization problems, i.e., problems of the form

\min f (x)

subject to

A_1x = b_1

A_2x\le b_2

x_l \le x\le x_u

given the vectors b_1, b_2, x_l, and x_u and the matrices A_1 and A_2.

The algorithm starts by checking the equality constraints for inconsistency and redundancy. If the equality constraints are consistent, the method will revise x^0, the initial guess, to satisfy

A_1x =b_1

Next, x^0 is adjusted to satisfy the simple bounds and inequality constraints. This is done by solving a sequence of quadratic programming subproblems to minimize the sum of the constraint or bound violations.

Now, for each iteration with a feasible x^k, let J_k be the set of indices of inequality constraints that have small residuals. Here, the simple bounds are treated as inequality constraints. Let I_k be the set of indices of active constraints. The following quadratic programming problem

\min f\left( {x^k } \right) + d^T \nabla 
            \,f\left( {x^k } \right) + {1 \over 2}d^T B^k d

subject to

a_jd = 0, \,j \in I_k

a_jd  \le 0, \,j \in J_k

is solved to get (d^k, \lambda^k) where a_j is a row vector representing either a constraint in A_1 or A_2 or a bound constraint on x. In the latter case, the a_j = e_j for the bound constraint x_i \le 
            (x_u)_i and a_j = -e_i for the constraint -x_i \le (x_l)_i. Here, e_i is a vector with 1 as the i-th component, and zeros elsewhere. Variables \lambda^k are the Lagrange multipliers, and B^k is a positive definite approximation to the second derivative \nabla ^2  f(x^k).

After the search direction d^k is obtained, a line search is performed to locate a better point. The new point x^{k+1}= x^k +\alpha^kd^k has to satisfy the conditions

f(x^k + \alpha^kd^k) \le f(x^k) + 0.1 
            \alpha^k (d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k)


(d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k +\alpha ^kd^k) \ge 0.7 
            (d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k)

The main idea in forming the set J_k is that, if any of the equality constraints restricts the step-length \alpha^k, then its index is not in J_k. Therefore, small steps are likely to be avoided.

Finally, the second derivative approximation B^K, is updated by the BFGS formula, if the condition

\left( {d^K } \right)^T \nabla f\left( {x^k  + 
            \alpha ^k d^k } \right) - \nabla f\left( {x^k } \right) > 0

holds. Let x^k  \leftarrow x^{k + 1}, and start another iteration.

The iteration repeats until the stopping criterion

\left\| {\nabla f(x^k ) - A^k \lambda ^K } \right\|_2  \le 

is satisfied. Here \tau is the supplied tolerance. For more details, see Powell (1988, 1989).


Namespace: Imsl.Math

Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll)

See Also

MinConGenLin Members | Imsl.Math Namespace | Example 1 | Example 2