IMSL C# Numerical Library

SuperLU.PerformanceParameters Enumeration

Performance tuning parameters which can be adjusted via method SetPerformanceTuningParameters.

public enum SuperLU.PerformanceParameters


Member Name Description
PanelSize The panel size, that is, the number of consecutive columns of A being factorized at a time.
RelaxationParameter The relaxation parameter to control supernode amalgamation.
MaximumSupernodeSize The maximum allowable size for a supernode.
MinimumRowDimension The minimum row dimension to be used for 2D blocking.
MinimumColumnDimension The minimum column dimension to be used for 2D blocking.
FillFactor The estimated fill factor for L and U, compared with A.


Namespace: Imsl.Math

Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll)

See Also

Imsl.Math Namespace