IMSL C# Numerical Library

Cdf.BivariateNormal Method 

Evaluates the bivariate normal cumulative probability distribution function.

public static double BivariateNormal(
   double x,
   double y,
   double rho


is the x-coordinate of the point for which the bivariate normal distribution function is to be evaluated.
is the y-coordinate of the point for which the bivariate normal distribution function is to be evaluated.
is the correlation coefficient.

Return Value

the probability that a bivariate normal random variable (X,Y) with correlation rho satisfies X \le {\tt x} and Y \le {\tt y}.


Let (X,Y) be a bivariate normal variable with mean (0,0) and variance-covariance matrix

\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1\end{array}\right]
This method computes the probability that X \le {\tt x} and Y \le {\tt y}.

Plot of Bivariate Normal Distribution Function

See Also

Cdf Class | Imsl.Stat Namespace