IMSL C# Numerical Library

Cdf.HypergeometricProb Method 

Evaluates the hypergeometric probability density function.

public static double HypergeometricProb(
   int k,
   int sampleSize,
   int defectivesInLot,
   int lotSize


An int specifying the argument at which the function is to be evaluated.
An int specifying the sample size, n.
An int specifying the number of defectives in the lot, m.
An int specifying the lot size, l.

Return Value

A double specifying the probability that a hypergeometric random variable takes a value equal to k.


Method HypergeometricProb evaluates the probability function of a hypergeometric random variable with parameters n, l, and m. The hypergeometric random variable X can be thought of as the number of items of a given type in a random sample of size n that is drawn without replacement from a population of size l containing m items of this type. The probability function is:

{\rm{Pr}}\left( {X = k} \right) = 
            \frac{{\left( {_k^m } \right)\left( {_{n - k}^{l - m} } \right)}}{{\left( 
            {_n^l } \right)}}{\rm{for}} \,\,\, k = i,\;i + 1,\,i + 2\; \ldots ,\;\min 
            \left( {n,m} \right)

where i = max(0, n - l + m). HypergeometricProb evaluates the expression using log gamma functions.

See Also

Cdf Class | Imsl.Stat Namespace | Example