IMSL C# Numerical Library

Cdf.InverseF Method 

Returns the inverse of the F cumulative probability distribution function.

public static double InverseF(
   double p,
   double dfn,
   double dfd


A double specifying the probability for which the inverse of the F distribution function is to be evaluated. Argument p must be in the open interval (0.0, 1.0).
A double specifying the numerator degrees of freedom. It must be positive.
A double specifying the denominator degrees of freedom. It must be positive.

Return Value

A double specifying the probability that an F random variable takes a value less than or equal to this value is p.


Method InverseF evaluates the inverse distribution function of a Snedecor's F random variable with dfn numerator degrees of freedom and dfd denominator degrees of freedom. The function is evaluated by making a transformation to a beta random variable and then using InverseBeta. If X is an F variate with v_1 and v_2 degrees of freedom and Y = v_1X/(v_2 + v_1X), then Y is a beta variate with parameters p = v_1/2 and q = v_2/2. If P \le 0.5, InverseF uses this relationship directly, otherwise, it also uses a relationship between X random variables that can be expressed as follows, using f, which is the F cumulative distribution function:

{\rm F}(X, {\it dfn}, {\it dfd})=1 - 
            {\rm F}(1/X, {\it dfd}, {\it dfn})

See Also

Cdf Class | Imsl.Stat Namespace | Example