IMSL C# Numerical Library

NormTwoSample Members

NormTwoSample overview

Public Instance Constructors

NormTwoSample Constructor Constructor to compute statistics for mean and variance inferences using samples from two normal populations.

Public Instance Properties

ChiSquaredTest The test statistic associated with the chi-squared test for common, or pooled, variances.
ChiSquaredTestDF The degrees of freedom associated with the chi-squared test for the common, or pooled, variances.
ChiSquaredTestNull The null hypothesis value for the chi-squared test.
ChiSquaredTestP The probability of a larger chi-squared associated with the chi-squared test for common, or pooled, variances.
ConfidenceMean The confidence level (in percent) for a two-sided interval estimate of the mean of x - the mean of y, in percent.
ConfidenceVariance The confidence level (in percent) for two-sided interval estimate of the variances.
DiffMean The difference of means for the two samples.
FTest The F test value of the F test for equality of variances.
FTestDFdenominator The denominator degrees of freedom of the F test for equality of variances.
FTestDFnumerator The numerator degrees of freedom of the F test for equality of variances.
FTestP The probability of a larger F in absolute value for the F test for equality of variances, assuming equal variances.
LowerCICommonVariance The lower confidence limits for the common, or pooled, variance.
LowerCIDiff The lower confidence limit for the mean of the first population minus the mean of the second for equal or unequal variances.
LowerCIRatioVariance The approximate lower confidence limit for the ratio of the variance of the first population to the second.
MeanX The mean of the first sample, x.
MeanY The mean of the second sample, y.
PooledVariance The Pooled variance for the two samples.
StdDevX The standard deviation of the first sample, x.
StdDevY The standard deviation of the second sample, y.
TTest The test statistic for the Satterthwaite's approximation for equal or unequal variances.
TTestDF The degrees of freedom for the Satterthwaite's approximation for t-test for either equal or unequal variances.
TTestNull The Null hypothesis value for t-test for the mean.
TTestP The approximate probability of a larger t for the Satterthwaite's approximation for equal or unequal variances.
UnequalVariances Specifies whether to return statistics based on equal or unequal variances.
UpperCICommonVariance The upper confidence limits for the common, or pooled, variance.
UpperCIDiff The upper confidence limit for the mean of the first population minus the mean of the second for equal or unequal variances.
UpperCIRatioVariance The approximate upper confidence limit for the ratio of the variance of the first population to the second.

Public Instance Methods

DowndateX Removes the observations in x from the first sample.
DowndateY Removes the observations in y from the second sample.
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.
Update Concatenates samples x and y to the samples provided in the constructor.
UpdateX Concatenates the values in x to the first sample provided in the constructor.
UpdateY Concatenates the values in y to the second sample provided in the constructor.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

NormTwoSample Class | Imsl.Stat Namespace | Example