IMSL C# Numerical Library

Random.NextVonMises Method 

Generate a pseudorandom number from a von Mises distribution.

public virtual double NextVonMises(
   double c


A double which specifies the parameter of the von Mises distribution, p \gt 7.4e-9.

Return Value

A double which specifies a pseudorandom number from a von Mises distribution.


Method NextVonMises generates pseudorandom numbers from a von Mises distribution with parameter c, which must be positive. With c = C, the probability density function is

f\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{{2\pi I_0 
            \left( c \right)}}\exp \left[ {c\,\cos \left( x \right)} 
            \right]\,for\, - \pi \lt x \lt \pi

where I_0(c) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 0. The probability density equals 0 outside the interval (-\pi, \pi).

The algorithm is an acceptance/rejection method using a wrapped Cauchy distribution as the majorizing distribution. It is due to Best and Fisher (1979).

See Also

Random Class | Imsl.Stat Namespace | Example