Example 1: Integral of exp(2x)

The integral \int_1^3 e^{2x} \, dx is computed and compared to its expected value.
using System;
using Imsl.Math;

public class QuadratureEx1 : Quadrature.IFunction
    public double F(double x)
        return Math.Exp(2.0 * x);

    public static void  Main(String[] args)
        Quadrature q = new Quadrature();
        Quadrature.IFunction fcn = new QuadratureEx1();
        double result = q.Eval(fcn, 1.0, 3.0);
        double expect = 
            (System.Math.Exp(6) - System.Math.Exp(2)) / 2.0;
        Console.Out.WriteLine("result = " + result);
        Console.Out.WriteLine("expect = " + expect);


result = 198.019868696902
expect = 198.019868696902

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